Placement Help 30 Yr F

UHL has a kick out for needing assistance getting dressed and drug abuse.

Kicked out of drug rehab 22 months ago means she never completed treatment which means she is currently being treated, just not going. are correct, - wouldnt qualify for GDBE based off her age either... Vantis is where I'd go
Don't have the app in front of me, but won't Monumental take this case under Easy Solutions?

The memory loss knocks out any coverage on the 45-85 app. I would assume it would do the same for a 30 year old. It's on question 3a on the 0-44 app.
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Kicked out of drug rehab 22 months ago means she never completed treatment which means she is currently being treated, just not going.

And probably still using. Even if you got her covered I don't think she would keep it long.
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TPAAgent said: are correct, - wouldnt qualify for GDBE based off her age either... Vantis is where I'd go

With a 2 year charge back policy I wouldn't be cashing that commission check 2 fast...Heck couldn't even complete drug rehab what's the chances the checking account will not overdrawn all the time.
He is in Indiana. That is the typical resident so finding another prospect doesn't get you anywhere. haha JK JK
Not totally true. That is the typical buckeye immigrant! We've got to tighten our borders on the east! (BTW, I grew up in Port Clinton. I emigrated to Texas first. They gladly accepted me!)
Well this is a daughter of a current client. I told her I would look into it. Maybe I'll ask in the life ins forums.
UHL has a kick out for needing assistance getting dressed and drug abuse.

Kicked out of drug rehab 22 months ago means she never completed treatment which means she is currently being treated, just not going.

By that logic I would still be considered under treatment as I quit AA 25 yrs ago
And I'm sure she's still on drugs too, but this would be with the mom as the owner/payor.