Plan termination and moving GI to a med supp

I did the service request a few hrs ago in case they can't find letter . Med sup CO's about to get hit hard with Gi claims . I expect big rate increases on plan f and g in 2024. Honestly with $9300 moops and benefits cut big plan n is looking much better for many people of even average means

that is very state dependent fl med supp rates are high and ma plans are good so not so much.i hardly do any med supp business outside of fl but it seems like all the other states mostly in the south that i am licenced in have lower med supp rates than fl.
that is very state dependent fl med supp rates are high and ma plans are good so not so much.i hardly do any med supp business outside of fl but it seems like all the other states mostly in the south that i am licenced in have lower med supp rates than fl.
Fla is a 1 off state with crazy low moops and that humana part b $167 giveback insane . No other state like that
Humana absolutely positively will not internally look and see that they're terminating the member and need to honor GI.

They want the letter that they gave the member to be provided back to their med supp department.

They don't want to make it easy
I went from a Humana MA to a Humana Med sup in Nov using the trial right and the only thing I had to do was complete the med sup app.
I have a plan termination with Humana and i moved the guy to another mapd for 1/1/ . 2 weeks ago he got diagnosed with Cancer . I'm going to move him to a med sup. He's 78 . I have to move home to a Gi plan G correct? So if he enrolls in a humana plan won't they be able to look up his Humana mapd terminated or do i need to send the termination form in? What's the sep code for a mapd termination to sign him up on a mapd plan ?
I had the Aetna MAPD that terminated, so I could get GI with any company, even though the Med Supp I left when I took the MAPD is still available.

Since I was eligible for Part B before 01/01/2020, I had to go with Plan F.
Best: Get the official letter from the member to provide to the med supp carrier. (And yes, it'll be F)

2nd best: Log into Humana and create a service request in the members profile and ask them to provide you with the loss of coverage documentation - tell them you need the document or some statement to provide to the med supp carrier for GI rights.
I never do supps on phone but this gi I need to . What's easier enrollment on humana supp csg or vantage ? Does either one allow text for sig ?
On the pdp you can do dst to . That's easier to be honest

We first called the MAPD to see if we can get a letter of creditability. They could only put in for a work order. I then told my client that we need to do the PDP ASAP and they'll get a letter out. But it could be a couple of weeks.

I proceed with the uhc med Supp plan G and he was immediately approved. I don't know what happened there. I submitted for GI and replacement form, but they never asked for a letter.

Edit : I just realized your situation wasn't trial right. Not sure why I thought that.