Planners, Reminders, Schedulers


New Member
I just became a PnC agent. I need any suggestions for any Planners, Reminders, or scheduling Apps for the iPhone. Your opinion or idea is appreciated. Thanks :)
If you want to be a serious P&C agent, put the iPhone down and talk with people, in person.

Seriously, be careful of distractions. iPhones are great tools, but when you start asking about apps, they quickly become distractions, not useful tools. Of course, there is one app you need to use on it, use it a lot, its the 'phone' app.

There is already a calendar app on the phone.

Making the switch from paper Day-Timer to this Opus Domini app. There is a free version which is limited and full version is $9. They have an iPad version and iPhone version.

App Store - Opus Domini Mobile Pro
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BTW, this does sync with Outlook Calendar as well as Google and many others.
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Instead of setting up your iPhone or Android for Gmail the easy built-in way, try using this instead: Google Sync for your phone

This is how I configure phones for all my customers. It's a relatively little-known trick, but it fully synchronizes your iPhone in such a way that Gmail behaves as if it were a Microsoft Exchange server. That means all contacts, calendars, and email are continuously synced and so you will not lose data when someone steals your phone.

Please be sure to have a password on the phone at all times. :)