- 3,384
Not only are there 47m+ US citizens whose only access to health care is the emergency room, but, while having the world's most expensive health care, according the WHO's last health-care ranking, the US ranked an unimpressive 37th, right between #36 Costa Rica and #38 Slovenia.
If health care is supposed to be part of the so-called Amer Dream, George Carlin was absolutely right.
47m - 17m illegal aliens (not US citizens) = 30m (this as of today according to the US government figures)
~70% of remaining 30m are insurable but do not participate in private insurance, do not have a job that provides insurance or are not currently enrolled in Medicaid = 9m uninsurables
US legal Resident Population 290,000,000
Truly Uninsurable 9,000,000
% of US citizens who are unable to obtain health insurance coverage = 3%
If US healthcare is so bad, why have so many foreign dignitaries including the recent Miami surgery for a Canadian Prime Minister chosen to come here for medical care?