Please Help! Age 20--$260/mo?!

b61mack said:
If money is tight, buy a cheap honda, and save your money. Mini cooper it up, when you can afford it.

This is the way to go unless you want to consider a moped.
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Thank you everyone! These posts have been very insightful and helpful! You are all kind people for helping me out.
and LGilmore. I can't agree more. You make a really good point about weighing the options. I've taken this to heart. If I can't get the payment below $175/mo, downgrading will be my next move. Although, it has been a dream of mine as a kid to own a Mini. It's really a matter of determining whether or not the experience is worth it. I am truly thankful for the information and lesson you've given to me.

You're 20. You've got a lot of time to get a mini. 5 years is going to save you a ton on your insurance, particularly if you can keep your record clean between now and then. Buy something cheaper and get a nice, new Mini at age 25.
Buy a car that allows you to afford the insurance that goes along with it, otherwise you will likely end up letting it lapse by not being able to pay it, resulting in even higher rates for yourself. You're young, you have lots of time to get a Mini, probably one nicer than the one you want now.