Plumbers and Small Contractors

Very true. It took me a while to understand the differences between the 4 options they usually give. The funny thing is, you cant even ask them. You ask the underwriters a question, they say we can't advise you on that. They send you some literature and you are supposed to figure it out.
Make sure that you understand the difference in the BTIS policies because some have sunset clauses, some have other clauses that make them cheaper than the competition.

The manifestation and sunset clauses are no good for most construction class codes with a 10 year tail on construction defect. I never even present those options.

Yep, I agree a good non-standard is probably the way to go. The issue is the completed products here in SC.

Another big problem I am running into is with Montgomery. Cannot seem to find a carrier that meet their pricing and I cannot seem to find broker access through anyone. I cannot believe they can stay in business with some of the rates I have seen.

I don't write a lot of these small contractors but I hate losing so its driving me nuts especially on the HVAC and Plumbers who are typically good risks.

Anyone have any other ideas?