Political Humor

That's one of the classic lazy lefty moves. Anything good that happened under Trump, he inherited. Anything bad, he caused. Anything good that happens under Biden he did, anything bad that happens, he inherited from Trump. Classic.
And yet that is the exact same logic on which Trumpers praise Trump. Trump inherited a finely-tuned sports car, with a full tank of fuel, on a freshly paved highway and handed over to Biden the keys to a unicycle with a flat tire stuck in a ditch.
Wait, wait, now it is the global pandemic's fault? I thought you said Trump jacked it up for Biden?
And you have also said the president (Biden) does not control that, but Trump did it.
While it was a global pandemic, the US suffered from the highest infection and death rates. So not only was the economy tanked, but we sacrificed the most citizens to prevent the inevitable. All because some fool wanted reelection at all costs.
So let me see if I got this correct. You praise Trump who inherited a growing economy from Obama,
[EXTERNAL LINK] - “What magic wand do you have?” - House Committee on Ways and Means

In June 2016, President Obama, in a town hall in Elkhart, Indiana, asserted that American manufacturing was merely a thing of the past.When asked by an audience member why blue-collar jobs continue to disappear, the 44th President admitted that good-paying jobs in America were moving overseas under his watch. Mr. Obama asserted that “some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back.”“When somebody says . . . that he’s going to bring all these jobs back, well, how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do?,” Mr. Obama asked.“There’s no answer to it. . . . What magic wand do you have?

[EXTERNAL LINK] - “What magic wand do you have?” - House Committee on Ways and Means

In June 2016, President Obama, in a town hall in Elkhart, Indiana, asserted that American manufacturing was merely a thing of the past.When asked by an audience member why blue-collar jobs continue to disappear, the 44th President admitted that good-paying jobs in America were moving overseas under his watch. Mr. Obama asserted that “some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back.”“When somebody says . . . that he’s going to bring all these jobs back, well, how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do?,” Mr. Obama asked.“There’s no answer to it. . . . What magic wand do you have?

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Many jobs could come back...if you're willing to pay $1800 or more for a 12" flat screen tv. How bout $800 for a small toaster oven?
While it was a global pandemic, the US suffered from the highest infection and death rates. So not only was the economy tanked, but we sacrificed the most citizens to prevent the inevitable. All because some fool wanted reelection at all costs.

The Lab leak pandemic from Wuhan? Wait, sorry, I know for some of you that conspiracy is triggering.

Thankfully Biden found a vaccine in crazy record speed. Oh wait... But Joe and party got people back to work and kids did great.