Political Humor

so tool is trying to blame Trump for covid deaths.....hahahaha.....
The blame for how the handling of covid was blundered in any one country falls upon the leadership of that country. Only two world leaders understated the effects of covid.....Trump and Bolsonaro. Both caught covid, and both are currently unemployed. Trading lives for reelection seldom goes well in the end.
The blame for how the handling of covid was blundered in any one country falls upon the leadership of that country. Only two world leaders understated the effects of covid.....Trump and Bolsonaro. Both caught covid, and both are currently unemployed. Trading lives for reelection seldom goes well in the end.

That's not how the US works. In the US, much of how Covid was handled fell on leadership of states.

And the only real "blunders" were things almost universally supported by democrats.
so tool is trying to blame Trump for covid deaths.....hahahaha.....
Poor life choices are largely to blame for covid deaths. I just finished shopping at the grocery store. It's amazing how many people are buying junk food to kill themselves with, while wearing a mask which has been proven to do virtually nothing to protect them, while obesity is killing people left and right.
Poor life choices are largely to blame for covid deaths. I just finished shopping at the grocery store. It's amazing how many people are buying junk food to kill themselves with, while wearing a mask which has been proven to do virtually nothing to protect them, while obesity is killing people left and right.
and add all the Biden Fentanyl deaths.....Joe is the winner....
Like mandatory vaccinations....I glad I did not fall for that.....View attachment 8785

My wife and I had Covid in late September/ early October of 2020. She had all the symptoms, but initially tested negative so I didn't take any further precautions. A few days later I had an annoying dry cough that lasted maybe one week and I didn't think anything of it due to my wife testing negative. Fast forward to December 2020, I told my wife she should get the antibodies test because I think she had a false negative Covid test. Sure enough, she had the antibodies. So I had the test and I had them too.

Fast forward to August 2021, we were headed to Playa Del Carmen and were were curious if we still had antibodies so we got tested again. We both still had antibodies nearly a year later. In October 2021 my wife was at an annual doctor visit and shared with her doctor that she still had antibodies and told her doctor the number. The doctor told my wife she had had two shots and my wife's antibody level was three times higher than hers.

Forgive me if I don't trust the "experts" who tried to dismiss natural immunity and claim those who already had Covid should still get the shot. Eff 'em!