Political Humor

That tends to happen when the majority (not all) are happy with your work. How long was Turnip in Washington for again? And he was only there for 4 years because that is a term length. It likely would have only been a year otherwise.
Who is turnip?
Interesting ....what did Trump do that was so bad to the country.....

If you can't make an objective critique of a person you support, then you're either misinformed or a mark.

Most of the people on this forum that can't objectively critique Trump are willfully uniformed marks.

Trump signed bills that rolled back the reserve requirements in banks and flooded cash to consumers causing inflation we've had for the past year. Congress creates bills, the executive signs them.

Current collapses in the banking system can be directly attributed to these two acts alone.

Let's forget that he tried to manipulate an election and undermine the democratic process. Let's forget HIS ROLE in inciting January 6th. Let's forget how he's trying to manipulate the justice system RIGHT NOW by threatening incitements of violence if he's indicted. Let's forget that he drew up a truce with the Taliban and did nothing to prepare for the exit. Let's forget that he essentially went quiet after he lost the election and abandoned his job.

Blaming Biden for inflation alone is like blaming the dog for shitting on the rug because you refused to let them out.

It's embarrassing that you literally don't know the shit that the President you support actually did.
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On 2nd thought let's don't forget. Nothing but CNN talking points, jibber jabber and bull shit.

Don't repeat that crap ... prove it.

Everything, literally everything that I said is irrefutable. I don't watch cable news, period. So I don't know what CNN is saying.

It's irrefutable that Trump signed into law the rollback of Dodd Frank. That was the regulation that loosened reserve requirement. The ***ing guy was in office for two of the three major Covid stimulus packages that were signed into law.

Tons of cash to consumers does three things:

1) Debased the dollar.
2) Decreases supply vs demand.
3)Inflates deposits in banks faster than loans can be made. They put the money into treasuries, which would be fine until inflation hits and rate hikes come in to put banks upside down. A slight stress test, which would have been required under Dodd Frank, would have shown exposure.

You can watch on literally any news network the January 6th rally. He signed the treaty on Feb 2020 with the Taliban and left office almost two years later with no withdraw plan.

Your response is weak minded... I don't have to make a case to prove it. If you took literally 30 seconds of critical thinking you'd find this is all public record
My turn....tried to copy and paste it but it is way over the 2000 word limit the forum has....

Trump Administration Accomplishments
[EXTERNAL LINK] - Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House

So, your big comeback isn't that the things that I pointed out didn't happen... it's to point to a press release from the Trump Admin touting what happened under their watch. Legit a mark move.

Record stock market prices make sense when you inject money into the system at a record pace. More supply of cash increases prices as stock supply dwindles. That's 101 supply/demand. If you compare the supply of money against the rise of the stock market, you see that the increase was based on a debasement of the currency, not anything that actually occurred to increase stock prices.

Trump NET lost the most amount of jobs in the US economy during his term. Not entirely his fault, but again, being objective.

Your question was what did he do that was so bad. I pointed out something real that happened under his watch.. not a political chest thump.
Point being he did more good than bad.....unlike the current administration.......
Bottom line is ... if Trump had kept his ass off of Twitter he'd be president today. All those votes that Biden supposedly got were votes against Trump. Sure as hell weren't for that ***.

1st. Truck is a dick. But I liked his politics.
2nd. We have no idea who the current president is. It's certainly not numb nuts.
3rd. Covid was not Trump's fault. Might as well blame me for it.
4th. If Trump rolled back Dodd Frank then I'm pretty sure it needed rolling.
5th. Screw this crap, I've got work to do.