Polls: 77 Percent of Uninsured Don't Want Obamacare, Majority of Voters Want Repeal


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Two out of three voters want Obamacare delayed, including a majority of Democrats who now say they want the new healthcare law postponed — a surge in sentiment that has climbed 10 percent since October in the latest Fox News poll.

A majority said they would vote to have the new healthcare law repealed, if they were able, and they wish it had never passed and the old system was still in place, according to the poll taken Dec. 14-16 of 1,027 registered voters across the country.

The Fox News poll was one of two polls published Wednesday that showed the growing unpopularity of the law. The latest New York Times/CBS News poll also showed that a majority disapprove of the new healthcare law, even the uninsured, who are supposed to benefit from the law.

Seventy-seven percent of the uninsured told The Times that they disagree with the requirement to buy insurance, in the poll taken Dec. 5-8 of 1,000 adults and Dec. 4-15 of 702 of uninsured adults.

While a majority said they were likely to get insurance by the end of the open enrollment period on March 31, 35 percent said they would likely just opt to pay the fine. Getting the uninsured to enroll through one of the exchanges is considered key to making Obamacare financially viable.

However, only 37 percent of Americans and 33 percent of the uninsured in that poll believe the healthcare law should be repealed altogether, a number that has fallen since November before the front-end of HealthCare.gov was largely fixed.

In the Fox News poll, 60 percent said they don't believe enough people will enroll in health insurance, which would help the success of the law.

While 42 percent of the uninsured in The Times poll said they perused one of the government run health insurance exchanges, only 10 percent said they had actually applied.

Two-in-three voters in the Fox News poll said the Obama Administration knew that it wasn't true that Americans who liked their doctors would be able to keep their doctors. Ninety-five percent of those polled said being able to choose their own doctor is important.

Over 70 percent find the broken promises that individuals could keep their health insurance and/or doctors troubling.

The same poll also had 59 percent of voters saying they disapprove of Obama's job performance on healthcare.

Thirty percent of the uninsured in The Times poll predict that Obamacare will cause quality of care to worsen.

Robyn Logan of Bowie, Maryland is an uninsured Democrat who is skeptical of the affect Obamacare will have on the healthcare system and her ability to see a doctor.

"I need to see a doctor and my fear is that even if I get insurance, I won't be able to find one," she said. "I was on Medicaid at one point and couldn't find a doctor because no one would take me."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Polls: 77 Percent of Uninsured Don't Want Obamacare, Majority of Voters Want Repeal
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
I guess a whole lot hasn't changed then.

Beth Braverman of The Fiscal Times recently published an article explaining why Obamacare could be the key to the 2016 election.

Currently, 85% of Americans say that Obamacare will factor into their presidential vote (this according to a new survey by insuranceQuotes.com). Americans remain evenly split in their support of the law: 45% of those surveyed would like to keep it and 44% want it repealed.

Nearly half of those surveyed by insuranceQuotes said that they were worried about having affordable health insurance in the future, down from 55 percent last year. Women and Hispanics were the most anxious about the future affordability of insurance.

Personally, I'm one of the 85% of Americans that want it repealed.

I fall into a gray area, that gap that others are constantly talking about.

Obamacare does nothing for me except cause me one big headache every time I think about it.
I guess a whole lot hasn't changed then.

Beth Braverman of The Fiscal Times recently published an article explaining why Obamacare could be the key to the 2016 election.

Currently, 85% of Americans say that Obamacare will factor into their presidential vote (this according to a new survey by insuranceQuotes.com). Americans remain evenly split in their support of the law: 45% of those surveyed would like to keep it and 44% want it repealed.

Nearly half of those surveyed by insuranceQuotes said that they were worried about having affordable health insurance in the future, down from 55 percent last year. Women and Hispanics were the most anxious about the future affordability of insurance.

Personally, I'm one of the 85% of Americans that want it repealed.

I fall into a gray area, that gap that others are constantly talking about.

Obamacare does nothing for me except cause me one big headache every time I think about it.

I am thankful tha I have a grandfathered plan for my family and pay 744.00 per month, if I were to lose my plan a ACA equivalent plan would cost me 1875.00. The vast majority of my clients in two states are similarly harmed by this law. Yes , there are a few of us who have capitalized on this law and have garnered a volume of subsidized clients. However many more consumers are harmed by this law than it helps and with the changes in the health insurance companies we agents really are not better off. I am all for replace/ repeal.
I am thankful tha I have a grandfathered plan for my family and pay 744.00 per month, if I were to lose my plan a ACA equivalent plan would cost me 1875.00.

I could've kept my Assurant Health care coverage for an entire year in the beginning, but I chose not to an go with an ACA metallic plan. In many ways, I wish I had kept my Assurant plan for another year.

...we agents really are not better off.

You don't have to tell me. I spoke to my guy recently and he gave me the low down as to how it was hurting you guys. I'm so sorry it's affected you guys in such a negative way.
I am thankful tha I have a grandfathered plan for my family and pay 744.00 per month, if I were to lose my plan a ACA equivalent plan would cost me 1875.00. The vast majority of my clients in two states are similarly harmed by this law. Yes , there are a few of us who have capitalized on this law and have garnered a volume of subsidized clients. However many more consumers are harmed by this law than it helps and with the changes in the health insurance companies we agents really are not better off. I am all for replace/ repeal.

Just wait until you get the termination notice because the insurance company wants you off the books. Ask my Aetna grandfathered clients how that's working out right now.
Too many that are upset about their health insurance, especially those with group plans, blame the carrier or employer. There is a disconnect between the high deductibles, no copay's, higher OOP and Obamacare.

My wife works in a school system and no one likes the new plans but blame the state and the carrier. No one blames Obama.

I really don't see Ocare being an issue in 2016. As one former candidate famously said, "It's the economy, stupid".

Another issue could possibly involve foreign policy (although that is rarely on the forefront of mainstream concerns) if we see a rise in terrorism that directly impacts us. Most people had no idea who Bin Laden was or what an Al Quaeda was.

That changed after 9-11
Too many that are upset about their health insurance, especially those with group plans, blame the carrier or employer. There is a disconnect between the high deductibles, no copay's, higher OOP and Obamacare.

My wife works in a school system and no one likes the new plans but blame the state and the carrier. No one blames Obama.

I really don't see Ocare being an issue in 2016. As one former candidate famously said, "It's the economy, stupid".

The economy and conditions in a voter's family matters more to him/her than the overall national economy, or even the local economy.

By this time in 2016 a lot of people will have experienced the Medical Network & Formulary cuts, along with premium increases. Mergers will almost be consummated, and 2017 premium projections will be hitting the papers.

The remaining Republican candidates will make sure the public knows that ObamaScrew is primarily to blame.. because none of these things (except premium increases) happened before the Democrat President started implementing Democrat policies.

My gut feeling is that the same Anti-Obamacare emotions that swept in new Republican Senators, House Members, Governors, etc., will still be alive and well for the Presidential election. (Assuming Repubs have a viable candidate that can hold his/her own against iron lady, Hillary.)

BTW.. My wife's a school teacher too. They understand that it's politicians at the state (IL= Crooks) and federal levels who are responsible for their benefit reductions.
I really don't see Ocare being an issue in 2016. As one former candidate famously said, "It's the economy, stupid".

While I agree the economy is bad and needs fixing, Obamacare really does need repealing or, in the very least, some fixing to make it better than what it currently is.

I can't tell you how many people I know and have met that are utterly upset at Obamacare and what's happened in wake of its implementing so I have no doubt that it's certainly going to impact how some people vote in this upcoming election. It's definitely going to impact how I vote, how my mom votes and how other family members of mine vote.

Believe you me, I've been closely following the debates, on both sides, and am disappointed when Obamacare doesn't come up or very little is said regarding Obamacare. When something is said, I pay close attention to who's talking and what they're saying about Obamacare.

My top 3 issues this election are as follows:

1. Obamacare and healthcare in general
2. the economy
3. jobs and unemployment

Gun laws, control and reform and immigration round out my top 5 issues.

I make sure when pollsters call or I'm prompted to complete an online survey concerning the upcoming election, these issues are reflected in my answers.
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The economy and conditions in a voter's family matters more to him/her than the overall national economy, or even the local economy.


Recession is when you are out of work.

Depression (not the mental kind) is when I am out of work.

The remaining Republican candidates will make sure the public knows that ObamaScrew is primarily to blame.

As much as I would like to agree with you, I can't. Repubs have been beating the repeal Ocare drum for 5 years now. Kind of like crying "wolf". Falls on deaf ears.

Low information voters blame carriers and employer.

Ocare is a dead horse. It's here to stay in some form. Not even sure Trump will repeal it. Even less sure he will be the nominee but that is another argument.

The general public don't want more gun laws but they do want immigration control.

Climate change is a tree hugger issue that almost no one buys into.
Climate change is a tree hugger issue that almost no one buys into.

Hillary says 98% of scientists believe the globe is warming. Obummer said every scientist believes that. I guess the record amount of ice in the Antarctic might feel differently.

I believe in climate change. It goes from hotter than hell in the summer to 70 degrees in the winter. At least that's what happens here.

But I digress.
