Pre-verification Required for SEP Enrollments


5000 Post Club
It's like Vegas, spin the wheel of fortune or dis-fortune.
Wonder if this starts now for Jan 1st SEP?

CMS is launching a new pilot program in 2017 to test a process that requires pre-enrollment verification of consumers’ special enrollment period (SEP) eligibility for Individual Marketplace coverage.

This pilot program on is intended to test how pre-enrollment verification affects compliance, enrollment, continuity of coverage, the risk pool, and other outcomes. It impacts all states served by the Individual Marketplace platform.

Your clients’ applications may be among those randomly flagged to have their plan selections held by the Marketplace until they submit documentation to prove their SEP eligibility. Review the fact sheet below for more information and be ready to answer your clients’ questions.
It says starting in June 2017 in the document.

About frickin time. They should have been doing this since day one.
I hope they stop the abuse of the SEP system immediately, more opportunity to offer STM as the only option.