Preparing For 2015 Open Enrollment


You know this, but probably forgot, so I'll remind you so you can be happy.

Subsidy=(reference plan premium)-(allowable contribution)

Allowable contribution is that sliding scale of a % of income based on your FPL level. That percentage, and whole number, is constant.

So, for clients on reference silver, regardless of the premium increase, they pay the same amount of money (with a bigger subsidy to make up the difference, as long as their FPL doesn't change). No matter how big the increase is, they see no change in contribution. I presume you, like me, have your clients that most need a subsidy on something similarly priced to (or cheaper than) the reference plan.

Yes, clients on higher priced plans, because of the way it's calculated, will see a change in contribution slightly less than the raw % increase (I.E. a 10% increase is a 9% increase in premium.) Clients on cheaper plans will actually see a decrease in contribution if the increase is the same % as the reference plan's increase.

Of course, we never see a flat % increase across all products, so your mileage may vary.

July 28, 2014

This article does a fairly decent job of noting some states where the Silver "benchmark" plan premium has changed for 2015 and what the implications are. A couple of good scenarios/examples are given. Also, online tools are being developed for current subsidy recipients to project what their premium change will be if they go the automatic plan renewal route.

Article: Pitfalls Emerge in Health Insurance Renewals - Kaiser Health News
As re-enrollment approaches, numerous health care advocacy organizations, including Easter Seals, the March of Dimes, the Livestrong Foundation, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and many others have urged the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which operates the federal health exchange, and the states that run their own exchanges to develop tools on their websites that will help consumers identify the plans that best fit their particular circumstances, not only in terms or premium costs, but also their actual usage.

Here's an about all these advocacy organizations encourage people to use an agent who can explain it to them if they have questions? ;)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Regarding page 17 of this CMS Agent Training Document:

It shows the Agent's 2014 Marketplace agreement terminating on September 30th of this year. Is this another government typo? Better be!

What if a client needs to have his/her subsidized coverage effected on Oct 1st or Nov 1st or Dec 1st, 2014? Do we help them, but forfeit credit/commissions?
No, I think this is regards to you recontracting with the marketplace. My carriers re-certification deadline is Sept 30th. They said that's the day all the Marketplace certs have to be in to continue paying commissions.
No, I think this is regards to you recontracting with the marketplace. My carriers re-certification deadline is Sept 30th. They said that's the day all the Marketplace certs have to be in to continue paying commissions.

Got it! Thanks for the clarification, Russelltw. I was thinking that was going to be turned off/purged/reloaded (and unavailable) from 10/1/2014 and 11/15/2014.

At any rate, it will be interesting to see if they can convert from 2014 to 2015 without a meltdown. Loading in hundreds of health plans, thousands of premium configurations, new subsidy tables geared to every geographic territory and their associated 2nd least expensive Silver plan.. with all the 2014 data still floating around will not be simple.

Hell, this would be a challenge for any private company. But for :laugh:
Here is the document from CMS which is in Q&A format regarding certification...


  • Agent_Broker_Registration_QA_May_2014_508.pdf
    126.9 KB · Views: 15
HHS 2015 exchange agent deadline nears | LifeHealthPro

This states 9/30 deadline if you want to sell in 2015

Who is OUT, and who is IN ?

Y I thought the deadline was only if you were 2k14 cert and wanted to continue to offer plans up until 2K15 OE. From the information I gathered if you let your 2K14 cert expire on Sept 30th you can still get 2K15 cert and sell starting Nov I missing something?

Also, IN...clearly.:D