Prevent and Get Rid of Computer Virus


5000 Post Club
Computer virus are a common problem for anyone that has a computer.

I've spent many hours, trying to get rid of them on some of my computers.

One even looks like a free antivirus program.

I'm going to share with you two important links that can get rid a virus if you have or get one and one that will give you Norton for 75% off.

Free Virus Removal | Norton Power Eraser is the link for the free virus removal tool

I had a lot of Norton Issues trying to install Norton 360, so to make it up to me, they give me this secret 75% discount code.

Adobe Recommends Norton
My google page keeps getting directed to all in chinese. Now I'm stuck with Yahoo for searches. I assume it's a virus, but Norton won't get rid of it, nor will malware protection.
Any other suggestions out there?
Is there a way to make sure you have selected English..Some how you might have changed it some how..
My google page keeps getting directed to all in chinese. Now I'm stuck with Yahoo for searches. I assume it's a virus, but Norton won't get rid of it, nor will malware protection.
Any other suggestions out there?

Switch to selling fortune cookies.

Chumps, I never know if you are joking or not.

If either (or both) of you are serious about redirects, it has nothing to do with your computer. Your site has been hacked.

As for viruses, if you have a firewall and AV program you should be good to go as long as you don't click any phishing emails. Microsoft Essentials is all most folks need.
Hopefully this will help you guys. What you likely have is a "google redirect virus." Not sure how I got mine, but it was a bear to find, but easy to remove. This is what I finally did. This is an email I sent to a friend describing it.

Go to this file:

This little google/bing bastard redirect virus was nasty. None of the antivirus and malware could see it, but it keep screwing up my search results. It loaded the following IP addresses as redirects to somewhere in Romania. It changed the file above to what you see below:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost <----- this was the redirect to Romania <----- this was the redirect to Romania
It should look like this:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost localhost


I saved the file, then rebooted. Redirect went away.
Check these files and see if they have been altered in any way. If I remember correctly, I found a website that walked me through the removal of it.

Sorry for the screwed up font changes in this post.
How to Manually Remove Google Redirect Virus
Here is another link I found. Good luck
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OK Ed, you probably do have the virus.

What you and Tins were describing sounded like my issue back in the spring, except my pages were redirecting to Russia.
One even looks like a free antivirus program.

a lot of programs are like that, not just one.

I had problems with my computer running slow about a month ago. I got a free antivirus program from my former internet provider about two years ago. The solution: once I removed the antivirus program, things went back to normal.

I now use Microsoft Security Essentials, which was highly recommended to me by a tech savvy friend.

I don't know if it's as good as Norton but it seems to work very well for the price (free).