Primary Medicare Beneficiary

How would you handle the thread situation, do you ask them if they are on meds, or do you pull a Frank, and tell them to go to Walgreens and get a plan for themselves as far as Part D goes?

Don't pull on Frank, he doesn't like to be "pulled on". :D

I will help them if that is what they want, I just don't sell it anymore.

With all the CMS rules and regulations I feel I have way too much exposure and it is too limiting the way I sell insurance for me to have to worry about all the stuff CMS is making agents do. I became an independent agent to be independent, not to be CMS's butt boy.

Actually the prospects and clients who I have recommended that they go to places like Walgreens who do that are very appreciative as opposed to being put-off. I explain that I am not the expert on prescription medicine that their pharmacist is it makes perfectly good sense to them.

The problem that I have with the PDP program is that no agent can certify with every company offering a PDP plan. Consequently there may be a lot of agents only recommending the plan that they are selling and making a commission on. That may not always be the very best plan for their new client to take.

However, if they want me to I will look up their meds and make a suggestion that they select from the two or three that look the best. I let them choose, I don't say, "this is the best one".
Jessica, I haven't been here as much lately, but I was wondering how you've been doing through AEP. A couple of months back you seemed to be getting everything together - how is that working out fot you?

Thank you so much for asking Tom... I'll tell you the truth, you may think it's not that great but I'm extremely excited, especially since this is my first AEP!!!! Just on Friday,I sold 5 Med. Supps....but anyway, Since the Nov. 15th I've sold 37 Med. Supp plans about the equal of PDP plans and also 15 or 17 MAPD....

You other PRO'S probably have sold double or triple that, but this is my first year, and I just feel so blessed, ya'll have taught me a lot, and you know I learn the best from asking questions (EVEN if it makes me look ignorant!) and "hand's on"!!!! There is maybe only one or two agents up here that sell Supps., one is a P&C agent that will sell a Supp if someone asks them to, the other is Strictly with Humana, So I feel blessed and I have a WIDE open market!!

The Seniors love me and I love them too... I never had grandparents (died when I was too little to remember them) so now I feel like I have LOTS of grandmomma's and granddaddy's.... :yes:

Again, thanks for asking Tom... your advice in a previous post really helped me out a lot!