Probable result of 151A


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New products from both Aviva and Allianz (and some others) are so strong on the minimum growth guarantees that you really don't have to talk much about the indexing feature. I mean, you can if you want, but explaining indexing is a pain.

Here's the point: it seems to me that these lines of products are ready-made for becoming a totally fixed offshoot of the FIA. If you have products with minimum growth of 7.2 compounded or 12 simple, why do you need an index feature at all?

Imagine how nice to not have to explain strategies, spreads, caps, and that fine print that says the caps and spreads can change whenever the company feels like changing them.

I think Allianz has been totally on the fence and wishy-washy on this: "We maintain the FIA is an insurance product. However, you might just want to get securities licensed because we see things going that way."

Aviva is taking a better position and has said "We will always have great products for insurance people no matter what way the SEC goes."

I like both companies, but I would rather hear that a company is going to support me no matter what I decide to do. I visited the Allianz home office last month and will be doing the same with Aviva next month. I want to hear more from Aviva about where they plan to go with the products they have been hinting about.

The two companies have been leap-frogging each other with new products for the last year.
I think they should go back to the old school indexing method annual p2p and that would make everything much easier to understand for both agent and client.
The comment period was reopened. Evidently the financial situation has caused them to wonder just what good securities regulation could possibly do for something that is guaranteed and safe, as opposed to stocks, bonds, funds, money market, bank deposits... ? ;)
The comment period was reopened. Evidently the financial situation has caused them to wonder just what good securities regulation could possibly do for something that is guaranteed and safe, as opposed to stocks, bonds, funds, money market, bank deposits... ? ;)

This is really great news I think about the comment period...

Id have to agree with the premise of this post by Charpress too. I've already heard rumblings from some of the larger companies that their contigency plan would be to drop the indexed portion on these plans. Most policies of those types could be perfectly competitive without it, as most are sold on the guarantees anyway.
I've already heard rumblings from some of the larger companies that their contigency plan would be to drop the indexed portion on these plans.

I am having trouble thinking of what an indexed annuity without indexing would be if not just a traditional annuity. If so then that would be like saying that their contingency plan is to stop offering equity indexed annuities and just go back to traditional fixed annuities. Back to the future I guess.
Not sure, but I think SmartMoney was referring to FIAs, where they would just drop the indexing part, leaving the Fixed, such as AVIVA and Forethought.

Not a bad idea, as their worse-case-scenarios (guaranteed minimum and 0 index growth) look pretty good - conservatively speaking.
Not sure, but I think SmartMoney was referring to FIAs, where they would just drop the indexing part, leaving the Fixed, such as AVIVA and Forethought.

Not a bad idea, as their worse-case-scenarios (guaranteed minimum and 0 index growth) look pretty good - conservatively speaking.

Thanks for the assist Brokers Alliance.;) Thats exactly what I was getting at. AVIVA and Forethought are the two best examples since they have such great guarantees on the fixed bucket. FIA's would drop the indexed portion in this scenario and while I'm not sure what they would call them (FA?) then, they would certainly not be called securities...which is the whole idea.
From a compliance standpoint, I think they would need to be called FBOMGNIAs

(Fixed But Oh My God Not Indexed Annuities).
If you have products with minimum growth of 7.2 compounded or 12 simple, why do you need an index feature at all?

What products offer that guarantee?