
In Philadelphia there is a Procrastinators Society. I don't know if this is just a local thing or nationwide. I plan to attend their New Year's Eve Party on August 31st.:swoon::swoon::swoon:
My motivation is the fact that I am responsible for the roof over our head and food on the table. Throw in 36K a year for 1 more year of Tulane Law School for the wife, a beach condo in Destin, and a few other toys...Yeah I'd say that is motivation enough for me...Lifestyle is always the best motivation...
In Philadelphia there is a Procrastinators Society. I don't know if this is just a local thing or nationwide. I plan to attend their New Year's Eve Party on August 31st.:swoon::swoon::swoon:

I was going to go as well, however, I never got around to making the reservations.
Make a list.

I use my planner. I have a 8x11 planner (at a glance spiral type) that I use for my to do list. I put little triangles next to the tasks I have. As I complete the tasks, I fill in the triangle. So, when the day is over, I can see what is not done by an empty triangle.

I use to do that back in the early 90's.

Sorry Mike, I just couldn't resist it. The devil made me do it. LOL

I now use a combination of StickIt's and YIO for insurance. StickIt's stay on my desktop until I remove them. I have to look at them all day, every day until the task is completed. YIO makes sure I don't miss an appointment or an important call back.

As Sam said, "However, one thing that helps me is having a whole bunch of various businesses and projects that I am involved in at any given time. This enables you to still be productive when not focusing on selling insurance."

I think diversity is one of the main keys. I find that I get bored very easily doing the same thing over and over again.
Lately I've noticed myself procrastinating about literally everything in my life. I need to lose weight... I consistently tell myself, "I'll eat better and work out starting on Monday". Monday comes... no go. Then I start over.... I need to make more calls... I tell myself "I'll start next Monday making X amount per day because it will give me a fresh start to the week". There seems to be a pattern here... haha.

In High School I was horrible with things like this... then I got a lot better about it as I got older, but now find myself falling back into old bad habits.

What are some of the things that motivate other agents... regardless if it's in general life, or in your business? How do you stay focused on your goals and not procrastinate? What kinds of things to do you do to curb procrastination?? I am in the process of really working on bettering myself by setting weekly, monthly and yearly goals... and giving myself certain rewards if I accomplish these goals. Hopefully I'm starting to turn this around again... but wanted to hear what others have done in the past, or present to help themselves?

I also work hard at times and slack off at times. I think one key for me is to quit acting like I'm working if I'm not really doing anything productive. I just go ride my motorcycle or get some project done around the house rather than sit at my desk doing BS.

I think a great book that actually addresses this is "Smart Salespeople Sometimes wear Plaid." It's one of my favorite all time books.
Okay, I know this will sound a bit odd, but I do find that a lot of it's the subconcious mind at work. (or not at work, so to speak) I did come across an interesting website yesterday, I'd be interested to know whether anyone else has any insights to it.... PSYCH-K CENTRE - Your subconscious beliefs can limit you!

Other than that, I have had a difficult week with an elderly relative and spent waaaaaay too much time on doctor's appointments, etc., that were completely unplanned. One of the true benefits of our profession is flexibility!
Okay, I know this will sound a bit odd, but I do find that a lot of it's the subconcious mind at work. (or not at work, so to speak) I did come across an interesting website yesterday, I'd be interested to know whether anyone else has any insights to it.... PSYCH-K CENTRE - Your subconscious beliefs can limit you!

Other than that, I have had a difficult week with an elderly relative and spent waaaaaay too much time on doctor's appointments, etc., that were completely unplanned. One of the true benefits of our profession is flexibility!

The hardest thing in this world is changing one's cognitions. Behaviors are a lot easier to manage especially in the face area. Having said that, I think there is a great deal of validity when it comes to reprogramming the subconscious mind, but there is much debate about the processes. Ask any Behavioral, Cognitive, Jungian, Rogerian therapist and they will all give you different answers about whether the subconscious exists, and it's level of importance in being a functional debate. If you think insurance is confusing, just looking into the different psychological techniques available to help people modify and/or cope with issues.

I strongly believe most of our subconscious is programmed from our early age and reinforced in the later years before becoming an adult. So, in order to fully understand something and make a change you have to dig deep into areas you may not want to go. That requires extensive psychoanalysis. It is not something that can be accomplished with 1 workshop. It is more of a journey than a destination.
Yea, I am not up to speed on the whole digital organizer thing.

I have gone through 2 palm pilots and a pocket pc and just cannot get into the whole digital organizer thing.

I like the 8x11 since I can put my mapquest directions to homes in it, plus other various pieces of paper without folding them. By the way, the mapquest sheet makes for a great note page when talking to the client.

I am always writing quick notes to myself, and have found that I like the paper version better. I like having paper back-up.
Hey, The New Guy, there is still time to RSVP for the Christmas Party to be held on October 10th. Labor Day will be celebrated on November 30th. You must make reservations early, limited seating, and available seating fills up fast.:D:D:D