Pros and Cons Individual Plans for a Group.

DSS (Dayton), you make a good point. In California, you're almost always going to have an employee that's uninsurable or who's premium is rated. Either way, isn't there either an ERISA or HIPAA problem with the Defined Benefit concept if one employee has access to benefits that are funded by the employer that another employee can't get? Note to people living outside CA: the GI High Risk Plan here is much more expensive than standard plans and the benefits are vastly inferior to standard plans as well.
--Why? Am I just being stupid about something? I feel like I'm missing a good selling point...

Lets say an employer offers ee's a $250 deductible health plan. The premium for the entire group is $50,000/yr.
The $2500 HSA compatible plan might only cost the employer $20,000/yr. The employer agrees to divide $20,000 of premium savings into each ee's HSA. Employer saves $10,000/yr. Employer is happy.:yes:
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Please change your avatar.
I don't like looking at ugly dudes.
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Moon: Looking like Kagan won't get you laid either. Just looking at your avatar makes me dry heave....Now does anybody like my mullet?
Please change your avatar.
I don't like looking at ugly dudes.

Moon, I truly believe in democracy and freedom, no offense, can you please change your avatar?:1mad:

Moon: Looking like Kagan won't get you laid either. Just looking at your avatar makes me dry heave....

I had a brilliant idea for a Playboy pictorial: "Women of the Obama Administration". Featuring:

-Elena Kagan
-Janet Napolitano (and maybe her brother Judge)
-Sonia Sotomayor
-Christina Romer

Possibly a sub-feature ("from the past") with a bottomless Janet Reno (smoking a pipe).

I'm gonna email Hef right now!
Moon: Looking like Kagan won't get you laid either. Just looking at your avatar makes me dry heave....Now does anybody like my mullet?

I wouldn't call Dime's 'do a mullet, actually. Always dug his purple Dean-shaped goatee.
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The employer agrees to divide $20,000 of premium savings into each ee's HSA.

As taxable compensation, yes?
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Lets say an employer offers ee's a $250 deductible health plan. The premium for the entire group is $50,000/yr.
The $2500 HSA compatible plan might only cost the employer $20,000/yr. The employer agrees to divide $20,000 of premium savings into each ee's HSA. Employer saves $10,000/yr. Employer is happy.:yes:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Please change your avatar.
I don't like looking at ugly dudes.

Just another day in class. Thanks for that HSA tip. I see the light:idea:Great information~:1wink:
I'm much better off getting aor's:yes: