Prospect Pro Question

Re: Prospect Pro Premier Question

$865 for 1000 mailings is way to high.
No, it's not way to high at all, especially if it works.

I did a 2000 piece mailing with these guys (1625) and I got 27 leads. (14 of which I got to buy policies, and I got 5 referrals from them)

Even if you do the 1000 piece mailing at 865, and you get 1 sale and you make a 1500.00 commission....then the cost is really irrelevant. I hear all day long...oh you should only spend about 25 per lead. This is funny to me...because the next thing you hear is how many leads they bought at 25 each and how many sales panned out of it. (which is usually close to zero)

The bigger question is, does it work. If it works, and you can spend 865.oo to make 1500.00 would you do it?

The best part of the Prospect-Pro Premier product (not the basic program they have) is that LEADS CALL YOU. That's the best lead there is, period. I'd pay 200.00 per lead for those if I got a sale from it. Hell, I'd pay 500 a lead for tho9se if I got a sale from it! (Most of my sales turn over about a 1000.00 commission)

To many Advisors are stuck in the mindset that a lead should cost "X" amount. That's total nonsense. I would pay whatever they wanted as long as I made more than it cost me in the long run.

Wouldn't you?

On another note, any body out there doing seminars?
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$865 for 1000 mailings is way to high.

Oh, and Prospect-Pro Premier gives you a CRM to work the leads and phone numbers to follow up on! Doubt your getting that in you "econo" mail list.

I have 9 appointments today....arggg! Thanks god for 3 day weekends! :)

Cost is NEVER irrelevant. The more you spend the less you have. $865= $635 in you pocket $400= $1100 in your pocket. Why pay more?
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Mountainview - thanks for the reply and the advice... I'm surprised to see nobody else has had any experience with prospect-pro.
Thanks for the advice Amber, that's what I'm trying to do here...

Another earth shattering post...Get that count up!!