Public Service Announcement


100+ Post Club
Las Vegas
We are a community of professionals. Collectively, we are an amazing bunch, that has answers to just about everything under the sun- insurance related or not.

People frequent this site to get answers to tough questions, and we deliver.

My problem is in the delivery.

We are really nasty to the new kids. REALLY nasty. In the ACA-FL sub, a guy asked a simple question. He got nothing but snark. Why do we have to do this? He took it in stride, but I felt the need to apologize because they took it too far.

I know all about the search feature. But sometimes we want more up to date information. So we ask. And then we get hit with the jerk stick, really hard.
By doing this, we are pushing away some really great people that might have a lot to add to our community.

I am pretty tough, so I can handle the snark, but I've also been around long enough to expect it. Some of these newbies just want to learn from us in a safe forum.

Can't we all just get along? Treat people like you would like to be treated.
I will also say that the referrals go to the nice people. . .
Unlike you, Rick, I can multi-task. I can sell insurance and write Public Service Announcements AT THE SAME TIME! Yes, I am THAT awesome.

I am aware of the fact that you hate the jerks. Keep up the good work and be nice to the new guys!
Well I apologized to him in the sub-forum, but I never saw a thanks for the 3 links I provided for the company he was asking about in the post before that. I try and help as many out as I know the answer's for.

Yes, I was just thanked.
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That's for posting this.
As a newbie, I was greeted very rudely in my first attempt at starting a thread.
Been gun shy to post since.
Don't be gun shy. Nobody is going to bite you or hurt you. If getting your feelings hurt now and then is too much to bear, you might want to work on that.

Some of the best posters in this Forum sometimes come across as arrogant or pompous but if they give you good answers, try to look beyond that. It's just words and words can't hurt you but their advice can only help you.
At some point it happens to all of us. I assume this is a male dominated forum and well guys will be guys. Going forward ask your question and expect to get blasted. That being said at some point someone will step forward with an answer or a source to find your answer.

Myself I know if I mention a certain service there's a good chance Gooner is going to blast me. That's ok we just have a difference of opinion but on other subjects he gives out some good info. Just don't take anything here too personal. There's a wealth of knowledge under the tent.
I got to say I was shocked at the culture of the forum when I joined. I still am, but I have had some time now to adjust.

I think agent owners think their perspective is the best hands down. Or an IA's perspective is best. This industry is big enough to know that we cant know it all.

We all have something to add! We all have a unique POV. Embrace that.