Qual. CA Agents Can Earn $50.00

This is CA MRMIP state risk program. It has always paid $50 fee to agents who assist with enrollment. Has nothing to do with the temp federal risk program which will open 9/1 (projected).

I have talked to MRMIB and they have not yet indicated whether or not the federal pool (to be run by MRMIB) will have the same $50 provision or not.

Currently MRMIP is full and has a 1-2 month waiting list. Max enrollment in MRMIP is capped at 7,100. I remember a decade ago MRMIP had a 12-18 month waiting list.
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This is CA MRMIP state risk program. It has always paid $50 fee to agents who assist with enrollment. Has nothing to do with the temp federal risk program which will open 9/1 (projected).

I have talked to MRMIB and they have not yet indicated whether or not the federal pool (to be run by MRMIB) will have the same $50 provision or not.

Currently MRMIP is full and has a 1-2 month waiting list. Max enrollment in MRMIP is capped at 7,100. I remember a decade ago MRMIP had a 12-18 month waiting list.

okay heres my question. If we have these state risk pools that have been running for a while and charge a reasonable premium something over a standard rate for insurable people and these state cap enrollments for budget reasons...What makes us think the Federal Goverment can run a program with no caps rates must be the same for health and uninsurable and make it affordable for people....
Once again, please try to only post after 10pm. I need to remain awake during the day and your posts are causing me to want to take a nap.

okay heres my question. If we have these state risk pools that have been running for a while and charge a reasonable premium something over a standard rate for insurable people and these state cap enrollments for budget reasons...What makes us think the Federal Goverment can run a program with no caps rates must be the same for health and uninsurable and make it affordable for people....
Excellent point and therein lies the problem.

MRMIP caps PPO rates at between 125% and 137% (there is only one available by Anthem BC) of standard rate for similar coverage. HMO can cap as high as 170%.

This also applies to HIPAA plans in CA under CA H&S Code 1399.801-818. HIPAA HMO rates can go to 170% of the equlivalent underwritten version of the plan. PPO rates are set to MRMIP rate guidance and are, thus, technically, state rates.

MRMIB has already indicated that the 761M CA receives for the temp risk pool will only cover 25,000. Bigger than the state pool, but not by a lot considering the state poplulation is about 38M.

So a lot of CA residents are going to be on waiting lists for either MRMIP or MRMIB/Fed.

Another problem is application/enrollment for MRMIP voids eligiblity for MRMIB/Fed.

Between both pools, 32,000 out of an estimated 700-800,000 truly uninsurable in CA. Not even 5%.
So a lot of CA residents are going to be on waiting lists for either MRMIP or MRMIB/Fed.

Another problem is application/enrollment for MRMIP voids eligiblity for MRMIB/Fed.

Between both pools, 32,000 out of an estimated 700-800,000 truly uninsurable in CA. Not even 5%.

Change you can believe in!