Question About Comission Payment After I Leave an Agency

It is very common for an agency to wait for charge backs, cancelations, and unearned advance commissions.

It is also very common for Agencies to screw Producers out of commissions when they leave. Without an agency agreement it will be pretty tough to get paid. The same thing happened to me a couple times.

First time as a producer at SF, got paid about 1/4 of what was agreed upon and I just let it go.

Second time as an Independent Agent. I emailed the agency principal and told him that I was going to call the Fox 17 problem solvers to have them investigate why he felt it was ok for his business to not pay an Iraq war veteran the salary he earned. I also said that I would send agent of record letters out to my book and recommend that they switch managing agents to a friend of mine as this was not a violation of my non - compete.

I got paid...