Question about part D

Yes, it's the standard letter, with no proof required
So I just posted about the same issue. We are saying a self attestation will work? They have to cover the 1st 4 years since T65 for a business that doesn't exist, and the remaining years are with the employer he just retired from. (grammar, what's that)
It's an attestation that either can be done over the phone or on the form they send. It has to be done within 60 days or a penalty will occur. It's a mess to get the penalty off if they don't do this within 60 days. Then you are fighting with a third party and it takes three months with proof of creditable coverage. I've had to help many get their LEP off their record. Some can get a big credit back if they paid for years

Just found out the basic standard drug plan for 2025 will be 290.00 deductible, 25% coinsurance up to 2k max. My estimation is a cost of 37.00 35.00 CMS bench mark plus 6% That's my educated guess. We may see carriers offer a couple of choices for a higher premium
Just got the letter from a client with the appeal form. Any suggestions for the one of the employers-- long ago dissolved business-- no insurance records, this is for the first 4 years of the total of 12 years needing proof. The employer they just left won't be an issue for proof, the carrier should be able to verify.