Question for Agents with ADD/Autism

Meds aren't for everyone and some have horrific side effects. As others pointed out, marijuana. Sounds like you do that too. I'm all for it. I personally can only eat certain edibles. My son has two businesses. One a cannabis biz, the other is concrete AND he has ADD. Self-employment was the only way to go for him. After some years of struggle he found some things he like and hyperfocused on only what interested him and it paid off. Some growers have perfected the weed for focus and various needs. He has some for relaxing body buzz, he has some for energy, some for sleep etc.

Personally I like the relaxing body buzz and the kind that doesn't give me the munchies. although I rarely eat them. But when I do, I like it! lol

Yes, this job is great for people who struggle with things like this. It's all really just "labels" (ADD, BPD, Bipolar, yada yada). It's who you are and good for you for trying to find ways to cope better.

No one likes to focus on cold calls and ADD or not, many people find a reason to not do it at all even when it was good. It still can be good even for one or two days a week.

I do cold calls and don't mind it BUT and this is a BIG BUT, I do them only one or two days a week. WHen I was in my 30s I also got distracted way to easy. But I would commit to just up to 300 on a monday, set my appts backwards starting from Friday back to Tuesday. Just during the times it's going decent, keep on going for as long as you can.

Just knowing that I only had to do it one day a week helped me. I don't make that many now.--maybe 100 per week. Hardest part is disconnected numbers. Same rule that used to apply still does. Talk to 20 people you should set 2 appts-ish. The hard part these days is you never know how long it can take to talk to 20 people. It's the getting the people on the phone that's the hardest part these days. But it does work. And you have to make it fun...can't be worried about the people rejecting you. who cares, so what, someone's waiting for your help.

The hardest part of anything no one loves (exercise, studying, cold calls, etc) is JUST getting started. For me anyway, once I sit down and start calling I generally keep going for a 4-5 hours. Take breaks. NO one likes cold calls and it revolves around REJECTION and FEAR---wasted feelings that are unnecessary for the most part. I think once you talk to a few nice people that helps. Keep going until you get someone nice. No one even knows who you are, you are just calling people---what's the worst that can happen. Nothing. I know you said focus is your issue, but just in case I put this in here.

It helps to always keep in mind, even write this down by your work area and keep looking at it. "I am doing this to help people"...taking the fact that you can make good money out of it, and focus on "helping people" helps. Someone out there NEEDS your help. Lot of people out there NEED you to help them.

There are tons of audible books out there. One is "GO FOR NO". someone here will remember that one....can't remember who wrote it.

Either way there are many ways to skin a cat. You could do what others suggested.

As was already touched on is that people with ADD/ADHD definitely has an obsessive component.. I call it hyper-focusing. That can always be used to your advantage, however that HAS to be something you are interested in. Sounds like you know this and like insurance so that would help you with it all. Knowing the products is important, obviously.

Your opening post was very well thought out and articulate. That shows your very capable of organizing information and articulating in a smart way. this is very helpful.

You should take all of Travis advice and maybe even follow a similar path in having a webpage and/or website and write content to bring some attention for leads. As plenty pointed out, you don't need to cold call at all...if you talk to people as articulate as you write, you could become good at it with practice and discipline. At least it's "free" leads, not time, but don't cost a thing.

The other thing is it's super important imho to write your goals down. When you write them down, then read them out loud. It goes into your brain in two locations (visual and audio) and helps you even more to hold yourself accountable. Read the goals every morning or more. I made my son at 16 yrs old (and agents in our old office back in the day) read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It helped son tremendously. It's an old outdated book but helps with young men, and esp my young man who has ADD. It was 15 yrs ago my son read that book and it still sticks with him today, especially a part in there that talks about "three feet from Gold." haha if you wanna know what that's about, you'll have to sit down and focus and read (or listen to) it. It's a cheap book on Amazon. Both books I mentioned come in audible form in case you find it hard to focus on reading.

I wish you tremendous success. You may find out that this isn't for you at all, but sounds like it just might be. Just keep in mind mostly to use your ability to hyper-focus. If channeled well, it can set you above and beyond others. Find something you love and can be passionate about. If insurance is it get going on it. Less focus on your "label", more on what you wanna do...:) As hard as that might seem, something to think about...

On here, one of my problems is evident..I write too long of posts, but I wanted to pipe in and touch on a few things tailored for you.

I'm truly ADD, and that post caused me to want to crawl up on the couch and pull a blanket over my head. :err::goofy::err:
I'm truly ADD, and that post caused me to want to crawl up on the couch and pull a blanket over my head. :err::goofy::err:
I admit, that post was crazy least a few of those suggestions have helped people around me-most importantly, my son. I have plenty more if you like...:arghh::biggrin:
Maybe that's what OP did, might still be on the couch under a blankey.:huh: IDK. My own undiagnosed issues/ADD so bad today can't even focus on looking to see if he even replied after that.

Popped on over for a sec, hyper-focused on calls today. :1wink:
I admit, that post was crazy least a few of those suggestions have helped people around me-most importantly, my son. I have plenty more if you like...:arghh::biggrin:
Maybe that's what OP did, might still be on the couch under a blankey.:huh: IDK. My own undiagnosed issues/ADD so bad today can't even focus on looking to see if he even replied after that.

Popped on over for a sec, hyper-focused on calls today. :1wink:

Yeah, I
