Question for Medicare Experts

Re: Question for Medicare Experts...

Frank what do you do when the senior has an MA plan, and you want to switch them to a med supp. How do you handle the medication? Do you offer PDP's?
You can switch to a med supp and keep the pdp they are on unless it is an mapd.
Re: Question for Medicare Experts...

If CMS wants to be so involved part D is the one area they should regulate. They should all cover the same thing. No wonder seniors heads are spinning. Their's about a million drugs who could keep up?
Oh and by the way: Frank you are a good man!

I agree. If we are going to have standardized plans for Medicare supplements, then the same should be true for prescription Part D plans. Keeping up with the formularies makes everyone's head spin. No to mention that most of the providers are uncertain as to what they cover too.