>>""Anyway, when I was finishing up taking the apps, the couple asked me about insuring their 24 year old daughter who has two children. The couple will pay the premiums.""
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I am not an FE only guy, so discount the below appropriately.
I run into this often. As JD and Colorado said depends on the situation. Unless the daughter has a medical impairment I do not sell an SI product. Young single mom with two young children has a large insurance need. And probably little money. At that age Baby daddy(s) is probably broke and probably not contributing much, if anything. So if something happens to her Grandma will raise them. And sadly she will probably have more children.
My first inclination is going to be term or GUL with child rider. If the parents are against straight term I will go to ROP term that has RdPu at the end. Also make sure that the child riders go up to at least 20k. Remember you are only talking about $20.-$30. premium.
Edit: and what Greg said about following the leads to the other family members. Usually there are one or more that are doing better.
I agree with what you have to say as to need. However, I was addressing the mentality of a lot of low income FE buyers. Everyone knows you can oversell in terms of premium. However, if you work the low income market, you need to be aware that with many people you can oversell in terms of face amount. They just can't identify with that much money even if you can show them in black and white that is what their family needs. The end result is the same in both cases, if they buy a policy at all, it doesn't stay on the books.