Quotesauction paid $50,000 for the insuranceleads.com domain

I paid for 234 in 3 days shared health leads for this company, $5.50 per lead, had about 32 never looking and about 28 wrong PH, or Business PH, or disconnected... I sold 4 you do the math, ROI, sucks!! BIG TIME... 0.01% closing ratio!... Spoke with the lady she said "Ill look into the problem", I said... "Didn't know there was a problem", no reply.... Wow!! had an eye opener!
I assume you mean 234 leads. That's a lot of leads for 3 days.

I don't want to defend Quotesauction, but maybe you'll get a few more sales from that batch. Of course, that depends how long ago you bought these leads. If it was six weeks ago, then they probably sold the leads to 25 other customers.
yes... i meant leads... sorry about that... no I just bought 4 days ago... I have 4 agents working them and me...

But good point if you say they sell it to another 25 agents... maybe these were sold before they got to me... they are suppose to be REALTIME. Don't know anymore... I keep getting Messages from them saying this person request to be removed... that person request to be removed!,

Will post results in a week again. I like numbers, I crunch them over an over again. Till now closing ratio is .01%.

My agents are all experience agents over 4 years, I believe these numbers.... Insurance formula for lead Dependant agents 58% lead quality 42% sales process.
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insuranceleads.com has all kinds of tricks up their sleeve. Use the search function and you will see what I mean.