Rate Increase


New Member
I have a group with BC and they got a 143% rate increase. I called them and they said that their groups for renewal are under review by BC and will not give an explanation. Someone said that HB 2015 has a form that can be filled out and sent to the carrier forcing them to give an detailed explanation why they got the rate increase. Any ideas?

How big is the group?

I have a group with BC and they got a 143% rate increase. I called them and they said that their groups for renewal are under review by BC and will not give an explanation. Someone said that HB 2015 has a form that can be filled out and sent to the carrier forcing them to give an detailed explanation why they got the rate increase. Any ideas?

Maybe Sebellius (commie Biatch) will go after them and not allow them to sell in the exchange. That is what miss ugly said recently. She says that any carrier that has outrageous rate increases and blame it on Obamacrap won't be able to play in the exchange sandbox. By the way, when is that old hag going to dye her hair? She needs a doo like mine. Just look at my mullet.
Have your client call the DOI and file a complaint.

Your role should be to try to get a loss ratio to see if that has an impact.

The other is move the business asap before another agent does.
I would not worry about grandfathering if the savings is there.