Ready To Go Indy - Exploring Options in Delaware

nyc2phi - we have 11 carriers for auto (7 standard, 4 non-standard), 8 home/property carriers & 5 markets for ES. We write in DE, PA, MD & NJ.

KOC Agent - thanks for the well wishes!
I want to start with a Wayne's World Quote.

"Hi. I'm in Delaware."

Now on to the good stuff.

Good info here.

Thread starter, You might want to chat with PGI again. Justin is great, but gone. (For some time now) Might be good to rekindle the conversation again.

Our website is password protected. It is a resource for our contracted agents. The list of carriers is available, it is a long list. But NondDis is needed.

Consider this everyone, aggregators or groups provide four things. The Carrier list discussed is a fraction of one of those four things.

1) Carrier Access- the list you referenced (Some carriers call aggregators "MAPs" or "Market Access Providers". It is misleading because Best in class groups do so much more than give you access, slap you on the butt and say, "Leave us alone") Consider other important questions that fall under this deliverable....Do I have binding authority? Do I have my own code? Am I directly contracted? Whose name shows up on he paperwork? How do I get the access? Will a rep come train me?

2) Training and Support. No Mater who you are you need it. (Captive- you need it. L&H guy- you need it. IA producer- you need it. IAgency owner- you need it.)

3) Transparency between you and the Home office. You can't join a group that is pocketing big checks that you don't know about!

4) Killer Contract.

One More Waynes World Quote. Use it on Facebook, next time a pic of your wife is posted, comment:

"She's a fox! In French she would be called "la renarde" and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her"

I would not be the trainer. That would be a very bad thing, as you know I have not been, how do you say it, "in the trenches" for over a Decade now.
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For those who took the time to contribute or followed this thread, I've finally started my brokerage in Wilmington, DE.

Just one of many, many steps towards success. It's going to be a long road, but I'm looking forward to it!

Good luck. If you want to have a place to write bonds or cant secure a new prospect with your current markets. Pm me. Delaware isn't a friendly place for new IA. I have an office there and good markets.
nyc2phi - we have 11 carriers for auto (7 standard, 4 non-standard), 8 home/property carriers & 5 markets for ES. We write in DE, PA, MD & NJ. KOC Agent - thanks for the well wishes!

I meant like how did you get the carriers (SIAA, Smart Choice, etc.)

Good luck, I am in Philly if you'd like to connect sometime. I think we had similar paths and I'm now three years in.
nyc2phi - we're a sub-agency and got our markets through a master agency. Not ideal, but we don't have to split commissions with them at least.


BTW, can anyone direct me to Travelers PL auto underwriting guidelines online? Can't find them anywhere & we just lost a deal because of it. Growing pains.
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