Real Time Leads


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
There are 2 ways leads are delivered. Real time or lagged.

Real time leads are usually internet generated but not always. You can also have print ads (low tech) that direct the prospect to a phone number, web site, or both.

Real time leads can also be generated face to face via cold calling or seminars.

Lagged leads require the prospect to take some kind of action such as completing a request card and mailing it to the solicitor.

Lagged leads can work but they are not (IMO) as effective as they once were. The mortgage protection market still relies on mail out - reply cards. So does much of the senior market (med supps, final expense, etc.)

If you are going to work real time leads there are two ways to respond. Immediate or lagged.

This is what works for me. Your situation may be different.

Most of my leads are real time, internet shared leads but I do have other sources as well.

I use two sources for internet leads. One has good volume but maintains high quality. The other is very low volume but extremely high quality.

My high volume lead broker has an auto-responder. The low volume one does not.

I cannot compete with the boiler rooms who are almost always the first in the door with an immediate phone call so I give my prospects a chance to recuperate from the onslaught of calls. If someone wants to buy on the spot after a 10 minute pitch then they are not the kind of client I want. If they buy that quickly they will just as easily switch to someone else who comes along with a better pitch.

My real time leads get 3 things from me they won't get from anyone else.

1) An immediate email response that explains (almost prophetically) what has happened as soon as they hit the submit button, and what they can expect from the high pressure pitch. I also seek to distance myself from the others who are desperate to make an immediate sale & move on to the next fish.

2) They get a quote with 5 - 10 plans and the ability to run their own quotes on most of the top carriers with side by side comparisons. They are also provided links to other sites where they can see other plans that are not in my Quotit software. The cover letter for the proposal invites them to look at plans on their own but also cautions them about quoted vs final underwritten rates.

3) The last thing is a personal phone call that usually comes 2 - 3 days after they submitted their request. This wont work for everyone, but is suits my style. By the time I call they have received at least 2 emails introducing me. When I call it is more like a friend than a salesman. If I do not get to speak to the person on my first call I leave a short, but detailed message. My second call, later that day is designed to create a sense of urgency while offering a chance to "air their beef" about their current plan. If I don't get them after 6 or 7 calls over a weeks time their info is either shredded or filed away for inclusion in my newsletter.

My ROI is 5:1 or better. I write 2 - 3 apps per week on average and spread my business over 5 different carriers.
There are 2 ways leads are delivered. Real time or lagged.

Real time leads are usually internet generated but not always. You can also have print ads (low tech) that direct the prospect to a phone number, web site, or both.

Real time leads can also be generated face to face via cold calling or seminars.

Lagged leads require the prospect to take some kind of action such as completing a request card and mailing it to the solicitor.

Lagged leads can work but they are not (IMO) as effective as they once were. The mortgage protection market still relies on mail out - reply cards. So does much of the senior market (med supps, final expense, etc.)

If you are going to work real time leads there are two ways to respond. Immediate or lagged.

This is what works for me. Your situation may be different.

Most of my leads are real time, internet shared leads but I do have other sources as well.

I use two sources for internet leads. One has good volume but maintains high quality. The other is very low volume but extremely high quality.

My high volume lead broker has an auto-responder. The low volume one does not.

I cannot compete with the boiler rooms who are almost always the first in the door with an immediate phone call so I give my prospects a chance to recuperate from the onslaught of calls. If someone wants to buy on the spot after a 10 minute pitch then they are not the kind of client I want. If they buy that quickly they will just as easily switch to someone else who comes along with a better pitch.

My real time leads get 3 things from me they won't get from anyone else.

1) An immediate email response that explains (almost prophetically) what has happened as soon as they hit the submit button, and what they can expect from the high pressure pitch. I also seek to distance myself from the others who are desperate to make an immediate sale & move on to the next fish.

2) They get a quote with 5 - 10 plans and the ability to run their own quotes on most of the top carriers with side by side comparisons. They are also provided links to other sites where they can see other plans that are not in my Quotit software. The cover letter for the proposal invites them to look at plans on their own but also cautions them about quoted vs final underwritten rates.

3) The last thing is a personal phone call that usually comes 2 - 3 days after they submitted their request. This wont work for everyone, but is suits my style. By the time I call they have received at least 2 emails introducing me. When I call it is more like a friend than a salesman. If I do not get to speak to the person on my first call I leave a short, but detailed message. My second call, later that day is designed to create a sense of urgency while offering a chance to "air their beef" about their current plan. If I don't get them after 6 or 7 calls over a weeks time their info is either shredded or filed away for inclusion in my newsletter.

My ROI is 5:1 or better. I write 2 - 3 apps per week on average and spread my business over 5 different carriers.

I appreciate the info Bob. Would you mind telling us what you say in your phone messages step by step? Air the beef must be a southern thing because the moment I saw that I thought of steak. go figure..
When I connect with a live person the pitch is simple.

1) Identify myself, tell them why I am calling and that I need 2 minutes to VERIFY their information. Do they have 2 minutes for me? Yes or no.

2) I then go down the list, VERIFYING city & zip, phone, email. Then I go to DOB, gender (you sure sound like a female so I assume that is correct), ht & wt, tobacco use. I do the same for each individual.

3) Next I verify that current coverage is with Blue (Aetna, Big Bad Insurance, etc) and their deductible.

4) Last I go through meds and ask if they have been hospitalized in the last 5 years.

Once I get these basics I ask if they received my email (yes or no) and what questions they have.

MOST IMPORTANT - I ask WHY they are dissatisfied with their current plan, how long they have been looking, and why they have not bought.

Next I give them an opportunity to tell me what they like and don't like about their current plan and what their time frame is for making a decision.

All my questions are designed to get them to open up and tell me what is going on inside and give them an opportunity to talk, and ask questions. Only when I have an idea of the kind of prospect do I ever start recommending a plan and throwing out suggestions.

If all I get is a voice mail the scenario is different.

I leave my name & number on the first call along with a brief message saying I am calling because THEY requested information and I need to verify everything including WHY they are dissatisfied with Blue Cross. I explain I only need to minutes and would appreciate a courtesy return phone call.

It rarely works, but sometimes does. I do get people calling back. Even had one call me from the beach while on vacation.
Well, as you can see, the successful agents just ask questions. When people don't want to answer or just give you short one word answers - bye bye. The single biggest mistake agents make when they talk to prospects is launching into a sales pitch about the plans and benefits.
When I connect with a live person the pitch is simple.

1) Identify myself, tell them why I am calling and that I need 2 minutes to VERIFY their information. Do they have 2 minutes for me? Yes or no.

2) I then go down the list, VERIFYING city & zip, phone, email. Then I go to DOB, gender (you sure sound like a female so I assume that is correct), ht & wt, tobacco use. I do the same for each individual.

3) Next I verify that current coverage is with Blue (Aetna, Big Bad Insurance, etc) and their deductible.

4) Last I go through meds and ask if they have been hospitalized in the last 5 years.

Once I get these basics I ask if they received my email (yes or no) and what questions they have.

MOST IMPORTANT - I ask WHY they are dissatisfied with their current plan, how long they have been looking, and why they have not bought.

Next I give them an opportunity to tell me what they like and don't like about their current plan and what their time frame is for making a decision.

All my questions are designed to get them to open up and tell me what is going on inside and give them an opportunity to talk, and ask questions. Only when I have an idea of the kind of prospect do I ever start recommending a plan and throwing out suggestions.

If all I get is a voice mail the scenario is different.

I leave my name & number on the first call along with a brief message saying I am calling because THEY requested information and I need to verify everything including WHY they are dissatisfied with Blue Cross. I explain I only need to minutes and would appreciate a courtesy return phone call.

It rarely works, but sometimes does. I do get people calling back. Even had one call me from the beach while on vacation.

Thanks for the input. I think you and John hit it on the head. The people who are genuinely interested do not mind the questions, while the tire kickers can't stand talking for 10 minutes and they haven't received any quotes.
Guys, your entire qualification is just one question. I question can save you 20 minutes of talking or days of following up:

"Pete, what would you like to change the most about your current plan?"

Then shut up.
Guys, your entire qualification is just one question. I question can save you 20 minutes of talking or days of following up:

"Pete, what would you like to change the most about your current plan?"

Then shut up.

I don't have a plan.
Honestly, I do talk to the uninsured, but it's a drastically different pitch. I do have people who have been on the books for years and were uninsured - but they need very high interest. Sometime's someone close to them got sick or in an accident and now they freak out.

Prospect: "I don't have anything now."

Me: "Really? Is that due to price or your health."

Prospect: "I'm perfectly healthy, I guess it's just price."

Me: "We'll let's find a good plan and price right now and I'll have you covered by midnight tonight."

There are no call-backs for the uninsured.