Recently licensed and looking for honest IMO to be successful

Awesome thread I'm learning a lot. @DonP is this 275k,347k and 393k k fe is actual commission or is it AP? Been 3 months in FEX so far and it is not bad at all.
Actually i did 275k,347k and 393k k fe in successive years . I know several other agents who've also down those type #'s . The world your in with fex is very small Jd. I use 3 different fmo's to place my business and had 10 carriers i placed good business with .You thrive on being patted on the back and admired . I could give 2 shits about that . I care about deposits .The reason i got in mapd was the renewals . I got tired of bs nothing renewals and being on the hamster wheel. Wether I work in the month of April 1 day i got 5 fig renewals hitting my account . You've been in fe what 15 yrs? You're lucky if you have $5 or $6k renewals .Obviously you jumped out of mapd because retention is 1000 times tougher than fe . Your right its free but free means they can switch 3 to 4 times a yr. Jd how much of that Kskj Business you've done over the yrs was business you rolled from your book?Kskj rates have a 5 yr spread vs other carriers . In kentucky you can't contest replacement claims in first 2 yrs . I'm willing to bet it was a truck ass load.Love you Jd

I get your jealous. But that's on you.

And you know nothing about me so you can't say what I want. No one that knows me speaks that way about me so it just shows you don't know.

KJKJ has been my go to for 8 years. Under your false theory an agent would run out of business after a couple years.

My 4 year persistency with them is over 90%. So I'm not losing much. Again, that flies in the face of your unknowing accusations.

Nor did I have a problem keeping MA business. I have standards. I won't write Humana or UHC. When Coventry and WellCare left area in '09 I thought it was a good time to stop being a CMS buttboy.

You are the one that seeks attention. You are the one always posting your numbers here and your sky is falling woes.

In fact, the only thing you have brought to this discussion is to brag on yourself.

And to attack me for pointing that out.

I know everything you do is bigger and better than anyone else's. You remind us of that at every opportunity.

Yet no one, no one, ever vouches for you.
Awesome thread I'm learning a lot. @DonP is this 275k,347k and 393k k fe is actual commission or is it AP? Been 3 months in FEX so far and it is not bad at all.

Premium but 15-20% will fall off . If your doing that type vol with mostly leads your running 20-25 appts a week . Again I stress a lot of fe guys bragging they do $300k a yr look at their bank account at yr end and aren't happy . A great majority get into recruiting because they weren't happy with their income . They can make 2-10 times more recruiting .Pounding pavement day in day out yr after yr is tough . You burn out . It's why I got into Medicare and now doing a lot of aca . Yes it was 2 plus yrs of relentless pounding of pavement but now I can throttle down big . I wanted by residual income .If Medicare and aca go away I'll get into fe telesales more .
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With all due respect, I too, started the FE business with absolutely $ZERO! On 2 separate occasions, my IMO gave me 50 old leads for free, or charged me $2 each. I don't recall exactly which. Worst case scenario, I paid $200 for 100 leads, at the most! I needed the second 50 leads, because I wasted the first 50 stumbling through the presentation. Eventually, I used the proceeds from those few sales to buy fresh new leads. Prior to that, however, I did not buy into idea that buying leads were a necessity, because I was counting every dollar that did not result in a sale. Upon hearing enough top producers say that all you need is a .200 batting average on leads, I began listening.
Although I don't produce anywhere near JD's numbers, I do not believe anyone needs anywhere near 10 racks to succeed in this business. Why do you need to start with that much money, just to make one $50 sale a day? After all, even with a contract as small as 100%, one sale a day is an advance of $2250 for the week. If I work, I get paid just like any W-2 employee who goes to work every day. Every day I don't show up for work, I have to go into my cash reserves, because I did not get paid that day. If I skip enough days, those 10 racks will eventually evaporate.
Call reluctance and not seeing the people is why people fail.
I'm not a believer in "creating" anything. Like urgency, needs, or anything the posers want to teach. Maybe I can uncover it? But my goal is mainly to just have them enunciate their WHY.
So creating the urgency was a bad idea this whole time? That's what I've been taught but I guess that explains the lack of results.
I like the " Relationship Marketing " concept that A.L. Williams started back in the day, when anyone could get an Insurance License.

Not the "Buy Term Invest The Difference" part - just the MLM concept and everybody write their Friends & Family a policy.

No need to buy leads.
I like the " Relationship Marketing " concept that A.L. Williams started back in the day, when anyone could get an Insurance License.

Not the "Buy Term Invest The Difference" part - just the MLM concept and everybody write their Friends & Family a policy.

No need to buy leads.
Expand on that, please. It sounds like what you are saying is that everyone you sell should also get licensed and sell to their Friends & Family.
Expand on that, please. It sounds like what you are saying is that everyone you sell should also get licensed and sell to their Friends & Family.

Just those peeps wanting to make some residual income marketing insurance products to friends and family while showing other peeps how they can do the same.

Insurance not a bad part-time gig for someone wanting to make extra money each month without it being a "job" . . .

Someone can spend $165 a year [ $40 CE + up to $125 license ] and make $1000+ a month by just selling to others various insurance plans.

If you have a "downline" earning $1000 a month - you could earn $$ in over-rides every month off their sales. Not much difference between a traditional MLM and the hierarchy structure that the insurance industry has used for over 100 years . . .