Responses to Client Objections

Great posts, and I concur that Glengarry Glen Ross is a great movie to watch.
Seems to be a common denominator in most of the responses and that might be -

"Work Smarter, Not Harder"
Ladies and Gentleman, what you just got here was worth more to your selling career than all the books Tom Hopkins, Steve Schiffman or Brian Tracy could teach you.

Don't you agree?:cool:

Wouldn't it, Couldn't it, Shouldn't it?:)

I know how you feel, others felt the same way until they found out...:yes:

The old feel,felt,found,close. Good stuff!!! Been using it for years.
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Great posts, and I concur that Glengarry Glen Ross is a great movie to watch.
Seems to be a common denominator in most of the responses and that might be -

"Work Smarter, Not Harder"

Terrible advice, in my opinion. One MUST work harder AND smarter, to get started in this business.
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