Retention Ideas

I would love to hire another person however I am not the primary agent, I am a associate agent. So I do not make those decisions.

That sucks. Why is it that people like you and me can see this and the "big guys" can only see $ signs today and not seen them as they relate to "tomorrow"?
One thing that has been helpful to our retention has been having our telemarketer call clients just to say " I noticed your birthday is tomorrow...blah blah, we all wanted to send you our best wishes. We're here if you need us." No sales crap at all, just another touch during the slow telemarketing times or if she wants a break from the beligerent cold call recipients. We also have a list for each CSR of client Bday calls they are to make each day. It's only 2-3 calls per day per CSR and it is part of their quarterly bonus so they really haven't complained about it...they are also allowed to leave the greeting as a message if they get a machine. Really seems to help build loyalty....and production. Top of mind awareness gets us those additional referrals,spin offs and has kept our retention at ridiculously high levels.

Regardless of what a lot of agents think this is still very much of a service industry. Every time I make that statement there are always those who say that is "Old School". It may be but it is still true.

I have a group of very sweet ladies who who I call each Valentine's day because I know that no one else is going to call them.

Those agents who stay in contact with their clients are going to prosper. It's a whole lot easier to keep an existing client than it is to have to go out and find a new one.

Leaving the "sales crap" out of the phone call is one of the best thing agents can do. It makes the client really believe that they are important to you as a person and not just as a part of their commission check.

Doing things like that and sending personalized birthday letters has had a huge impact on my referrals and retention.