- 2,459
I am not certain of what you are saying here - its a bit convoluted, [or I am just not smart enough to understand it.] But this question is about the need for E&O Insurance. And for individual producers out there it really doesnt matter too much if you are a sole proprietor or an LLC or a Corporation if you are sued for an E&O issue.The other thing that would matter is the exposure of your personal assets (vs your agency "company" ones). This would depend on how you legally set up your agency (and if you are maintaining that agency even if is isn't conducting business). For example a sole proprietorship, although easy to set up, means you can lose the shirt off your back and your family's collective backs if you get sued and lose and whatever you have for coverage doesn't cover all the judgement. Limited partnerships give you more protection for your own assets (but not the business assets).
You need E&O insurance for insurance sales. One you are no longer active, as @Markthebroker said "you need is something called "tail coverage"."
See this post for more information.