Risk Pool is Up and Running

BTW, the risk pool website is up and running as of today, applications are being accepted today in many states - not a single article to be found on any site.

But a bunch of threads have turned up here....If only Insurance agents are getting the info how will the consumers know....And even if they know about it how will they be able to make a descision based on the lack of concrete specifics on the gov website.
The cost we are spending on a per person basis is absurd.

I am also concerned about the "must be uninsured for 6 months..." What if someone's COBRA runs out, they have to wait six month in order to get on the pool? Wow - great system.

If I am reading this wrong correct me.
Unless they nullified the HIPAA laws, when someone expires COBRA they're guaranteed issue.
I'm still selling my HIPAA plans today :)

Double edged sword on this one. In CA not too bad, HIPAA sets 125%-137% max on standard premium so the gouge is not horrible.

Some have posted here the HIPAA rates for states like TN which are terribly high.

Which begs the question, does not exercising your HIPAA option void your ability to enter the fed risk program? I suppose not but who knows.
Unless they nullified the HIPAA laws, when someone expires COBRA they're guaranteed issue.

For 3x the price of the risk pool, of course. I've also been wondering how someone in a GI state like NY or NJ gets into this risk pool....if you have to be declined for coverage, how can anyone in these states qualify?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say when you expire COBRA you go either go into your state's risk pool which by default is compliant with federal risk pool standards or if your state doesn't have a risk pool go right into the national plan.

I don't see the carriers offering HIPAA conversion plans when they can simply pawn them off onto the gov't. Where it gets dicey is when a state's risk pool closes to new business and carriers don't offer conversion plans. Break out the popcorn - it'll get a lot more interesting.
What about the available doctor and hospital networks within the plan? who can you see for services... Dont see how they can offer something without having all the up front concerns handled 1st....

The "big Black hole" and there will be no local agent assitance as there is no compensation.

Again these folks are still going to have trouble paying the premiums, could be 6k per year along with another 5k in Out of pocket costs.

assume that most individuals that have a pre-x are not able to work

You assume wrong.

sticker shock of a premium rate that is 100% higher than the std premium

P-crap premiums are subsidized by Obamabux to keep them at standard rates . . . whatever that may be.

uninsured for 6 months

AND have a declination letter.

You can also apply if you have coverage now but it includes a rider for a px condition.

Gotta be a bunch of those floating around.

doctor and hospital networks within the plan

No mention of any networks. Best guess is anyone who accepts federal funds, and/or treats Medicare, Medicaid or VA patients wins and they are a named provider with reimbursement at the same level as Medicare.
Man, and won't the carriers love spending money processing applications just to give people those letters of decline. I will not be offering that service. No moral issue at all. If they qualify for the pool I'll be more than happy to give 'em the site address. Conversation ends there.