Risk Pool is Up and Running

Understood and that's different. But what kind of information could be placed on the .gov site where agents would get a fair shot at the case?
Not sure, I will have to wait for clarification from NAHU on it. My guess would be a "find a local agent in your state" button or something.
Agreed - but a "find your local agent" button would be being redirected to some kind of local agent listing. Of course, count on some lead affiliates to slap up landing pages that fool people into thinking they're getting gov't information. Won't those be great leads. Kinda like this:

National Healthcare
National Healthcare Insurance
Get National Healthcare Quotes Now!

- owned by AllWebLeads
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This site is suppose to be a just information for the viewer.

I think it could be a bad thing for us because if you look at the private carriers its giving a direct line. Then if the exchanges are put on there it could be really bad for us.

It could be good for consumers that do not realize they have access to subsidized plans like SCHIP.

Only time will tell if people will utilize this type of site.
That would be an incorrect assumption. Plenty of people have pre-ex conditions and work full-time.

i would assume that most individuals that have a pre-x are not able to work, due to their situation and thus have lower than avg income. It all sounds great but once the applicant sees the sticker shock of a premium rate that is 100% higher than the std premium then they will find that they are almost in the same boat than they were before...