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Sales Training Programs... Opinions Wanted!


New Member
Hi All,

Just wanted to see if any of you had some recommendations on any of the insurance sales training programs out there? I've heard good things about the Wedge Group (iWin), Sitkins Group.
Background: Started insurance career with doing property surveys/risk mngt for 3 years. Been working as a commercial lines producer at a smaller independent agency for a couple years. Would like to find a virtual program that had some sales training, continuing accountability, etc.
I'm not in P&C, but I have read "The Wedge" and "How to get your competition fired without talking bad about them" by Randy Schwantz. Good books and highly recommended (they're both about the same, so pick one).

The biggest thing I picked up out of those books was using the word 'compete' in your prospecting. When you're in an industry that seems to be a commodity, you are competing for your prospect's business, and most people should be flattered that they are worth competing over.

If I was in P&C, I'd definitely check out that iWin program only because of the quality of his books. However, I've not experienced either of these training programs.

I hope this was (somewhat) helpful.
Look into New Producer programs offered by your agency's insurance carriers. A lot of them are very good. Most will keep you accountable to making and reaching goals as you learn. Some will even offset the cost of their program as your book grows, or scholarship you in if the agency's book is big enough. I worked with a few producers that did State Auto's Pacesetter program and were very successful, for example.
Hi All,

Just wanted to see if any of you had some recommendations on any of the insurance sales training programs out there? I've heard good things about the Wedge Group (iWin), Sitkins Group.
Background: Started insurance career with doing property surveys/risk mngt for 3 years. Been working as a commercial lines producer at a smaller independent agency for a couple years. Would like to find a virtual program that had some sales training, continuing accountability, etc.

Are you looking for specifically P&C focused training??
Are you looking for specifically P&C focused training??
Not specifically but not opposed. Most of my accounts fall into upstream energy contractors and transportation. I would really be looking for some help in pipeline management, accountability, and coaching. I feel I'm doing well at the agency but feel I could do better with help in these areas so I've been seeking out some options. Our agency principal recently sold to his son who is really focused on the management side of things and just doesn't have the experience or time.
Consider Cardone University. You can learn a great deal about how to follow up, and more from his course materials. Check it out.
Polestar was running a special. $4,000. So I split it with my agency owner, and coughed up $2,000. Worth every penny. Normally it's around $10,000 or $12,000. I don't know if I'd pay that much, but some people do.