Schmoozing for Business

I see where you guys are coming from but this is not random pick up clients in the bar.

This is inviting a prospect out for drinks, cigars, steak, or ball game. These are group plans where the avg commish is going to be around $5,000. I want them to know I want their business.

These are prospect that I have been trying to get for years. So if spending some money on them helps to open the doors for me to bid I will do it. These groups have been with the same brokers for 5-10 years. Its really political.

In this type of economy if I am willing to give the prospect a call for drinks and a cigar after work and the other broker is only calling at renewal time I think I could get the business.

It comes down to relationship building.

I will let you guys know what happens and give you a breakdown of what I spend to get the business.

You will have far better success spending that steak, cigar and drink money at next yrs renewal time. Those dollars MAY do you some good for retention, but doubtful that they will attract much more than a mooch, but will rarely be the diff in obtaining a client, OR NOT.
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One more thing ABC... if you keep sucking down those drinks, you will have to change your handle to ABD... (always be drinking)
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From my experience, it really doesn't matter who pays for the drinks, what matters is if they enjoy drinking with you. Nothing brings people together like alcohol, and people buy from people they like.

This is what I am talking about.
I am not joking at all. Drinking (And smoking) really help you connect with people, for both psychological and physiological reasons. Making those connections and giving people a chance to get to like you can go along way in the sales process.

Not so much, on the SMOKING... especially nasty ole cigarettes... (spoken from an ex-smoker of 32 yr now). I might tolerate a cigar once in a while and wouldn't mind others enjoying them, but forget the cigarettes.
Not so much, on the SMOKING... especially nasty ole cigarettes... (spoken from an ex-smoker of 32 yr now). I might tolerate a cigar once in a while and wouldn't mind others enjoying them, but forget the cigarettes.

So now nobody gets to have any fun because you smoked your share? You're the only one that gets to smoke for 32 years, and now you think its nasty? That's not fair.

Live and let live.
So now nobody gets to have any fun because you smoked your share? You're the only one that gets to smoke for 32 years, and now you think its nasty? That's not fair.

Live and let live.

No... I smoked for maybe 10 yrs, and quite 32 yrs ago... about 1976, I think... oh, so maybe 33 yrs ago. Time flies.

I say smoke em if ya got em, but just don't do so when I am around... Not sure what the hell they put in cigs these days, but it is sure a stinkin habit...

You know what they say about ex-smokers... and what a pain they are, I would be the epidomy of that statement. No tolerance for it... So yah, I had my fun, and too bad for the rest of you... LOL Pretty much it, BillyBoy.
I have group prospect who owns bail bond company who promised to 'help me out' if I ever needed to get bailed out. I might buy him a drink if I need his services but I'm not sure they allow liquor in lockup.

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