Schmoozing for Business

I agree-thats the only way I'd really do a pay back- is if I needed something my own client had-then I'd buy something from their own business or refer someone to them..
Ok so I have struck out on my first prospect of the schmooze. The controller will not call me back or take my calls. The owner told me to call the controller so I really cant go back to the owner and start crying to him.

The other prospect is sending me the census information this week.
Ok so I have struck out on my first prospect of the schmooze. The controller will not call me back or take my calls. The owner told me to call the controller so I really cant go back to the owner and start crying to him.

The other prospect is sending me the census information this week.

About par for schmoozing... now if you had taken some sweetie-pie out for drinks with that some $$$, you would have likely gotten nailed in a different fashion... (having more pleasant memories)
I figure if it's Business, as opposed to social - whoever did the invitin' picks up the tab. That includes taking a potential client to a ballgame, or whatever.
Remember him on his birthday and at christmas -- ball tickets and a fruit basket. That kind of thing goes a long way. It lets him know you appreciate what he does for you.

McDonald's just worked out due to location, and she didn't have much time and didn't want to have the discussion at her office. My office was too far away, just time constraints that was all. I would have taken her anywhere, you would have too.

The group situation is different. This guy has slung a lot of business my way other than his group, he has referred family friends to me.

He made a simple comment about it, kind of like "about time I started to see some kind of benefit" after his policy renewed.

I didn't say anything, and his wife said "I don't believe Bill3173 heard you". And in his most John Wayne voice said "he heard me" and then changed the subject.

What do you do for a group when comments like that are made? Just curious.

Nobody tell me to take him out to lunch or golf, that's not it.
Remember him on his birthday and at christmas -- ball tickets and a fruit basket. That kind of thing goes a long way. It lets him know you appreciate what he does for you.

Thanks for the input, I think that you are right on target. I send him Christmas cards and thank you notes, but I think that the items that you mentioned may be just the thing.

It's funny that you mentioned his birthday. That was the last complaint that I received from him that he didn't get anything from me for his birthday last year, of course, now I'm not going to wait on his b'day.

Sending him clients or buying something from him is highly unlikely, unless I need land moving equipment, the $$$$$$ kind.

Great response, thanks again.
You're very welcome.

The best part of giving him tickets to the game is that if you like him, splurge on good seats and take him with you. He gets his birthday present, you get to spend time with him and strengthen the bond. You also get the collateral benefit of him talking it up. Center court for the tax write-off (50%)!

Thanks for the input, I think that you are right on target. I send him Christmas cards and thank you notes, but I think that the items that you mentioned may be just the thing.

It's funny that you mentioned his birthday. That was the last complaint that I received from him that he didn't get anything from me for his birthday last year, of course, now I'm not going to wait on his b'day.

Sending him clients or buying something from him is highly unlikely, unless I need land moving equipment, the $$$$$$ kind.

Great response, thanks again.
You can take meals and entertainment as a 50% expense on your taxes. Gifts 100%,

So you write off all of the clients ticket and half of your own.

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