Search & Save Provider Filter Function


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First let me say I really like S&S. However, the "newer" provider filter they added a few months back is insanely slow. The more doctors you add to one person, the slower it gets. I just entered 9 doctors for a client. I decided to time it from start to finish. It took 23 minutes and 41 seconds. There's just no way to work like this. I don't pretend to know anything about programming, but certainly there is a way to speed that process up. The drag and drop function is clunky. And if a PCP has multiple locations and their box is long, it then makes it difficult to drag a Specialist to the appropriate box.

My recommendation to everyone out there during AEP, you might want to use Provider Search instead of Provider Filter if you don't already have their doctors listed in Provider Filter. The Provider Search function moves much quicker. I like how the Provider Filter works in that it shows on each plan how many of the doctors listed are in network, but again, if you are having to enter their doctors during AEP, you are going to beat your head against the wall and get far behind on your work load.

Good luck out there during AEP. It's going to be a crazy time this year.
First let me say I really like S&S. However, the "newer" provider filter they added a few months back is insanely slow. The more doctors you add to one person, the slower it gets. I just entered 9 doctors for a client. I decided to time it from start to finish. It took 23 minutes and 41 seconds. There's just no way to work like this. I don't pretend to know anything about programming, but certainly there is a way to speed that process up. The drag and drop function is clunky. And if a PCP has multiple locations and their box is long, it then makes it difficult to drag a Specialist to the appropriate box.

My recommendation to everyone out there during AEP, you might want to use Provider Search instead of Provider Filter if you don't already have their doctors listed in Provider Filter. The Provider Search function moves much quicker. I like how the Provider Filter works in that it shows on each plan how many of the doctors listed are in network, but again, if you are having to enter their doctors during AEP, you are going to beat your head against the wall and get far behind on your work load.

Good luck out there during AEP. It's going to be a crazy time this year.

is there a better platform for the rx search? every time i use SS this ketchup commercial plays in my mind....

Does Scott Nichols have a profile on the forum?

No idea. I think they're of the mindset that it is what it is. Accuracy over speed. Again, I don't know what I don't know in regards to programming and functionality. What I do know is that the Provider Filter is super slow once you add more than a couple of doctors. Just going to have the Provider Search option instead during AEP.
is there a better platform for the rx search? every time i use SS this ketchup commercial plays in my mind....

The Rx system is good. And the reports the system puts out are the best I've seen in the industry. There are some things I'd like to see added, but overall I'm pleased with the system with the exception of the Provider Filter function.
First let me say I really like S&S. However, the "newer" provider filter they added a few months back is insanely slow. The more doctors you add to one person, the slower it gets. I just entered 9 doctors for a client. I decided to time it from start to finish. It took 23 minutes and 41 seconds. There's just no way to work like this. I don't pretend to know anything about programming, but certainly there is a way to speed that process up. The drag and drop function is clunky. And if a PCP has multiple locations and their box is long, it then makes it difficult to drag a Specialist to the appropriate box.

My recommendation to everyone out there during AEP, you might want to use Provider Search instead of Provider Filter if you don't already have their doctors listed in Provider Filter. The Provider Search function moves much quicker. I like how the Provider Filter works in that it shows on each plan how many of the doctors listed are in network, but again, if you are having to enter their doctors during AEP, you are going to beat your head against the wall and get far behind on your work load.

Good luck out there during AEP. It's going to be a crazy time this year.
I'm glad that one of our S&S subscribers told me about this Forum. I'm happy to be on it and to see agents comments about our agent built and serviced Medicare system & integrated CRM; Search & Save.
I appreciate the kind words about us in this post but need to clear up some misconceptions.
This all boils down to a question of do agents want accuracy or speed?
Up until our creating the first and finest PROVIDER SEARCH ENGINE in the industry, agents were (and still are) using systems from the other Medicare systems with SCRUBBED PROVIDER & FACILITY DATA.
The other systems use web crawlers, hard copy directories, PUF (public utility files) for PROVIDER & FACILITY DATA.
They are rarely ever updated except annually (if then).
Agents do not trust them and (for the most part) do not use them.
In 2019 we connected with the worldwide leader in PROVIDER & FACILITY DATA; ZELIS.
Zelis gets its data from the carriers servers and it is routinely updated. It is so accurate that it is more accurate and updated than the carrier sites!
A Real First!
When we created the PROVIDER FILTER we did something that no other system has ever done before.
We took the best Medicare Advantage plan, drug, and pharmacy data from Connecture and filtered it with the finest & most accurate provider and facility data from Zelis, thus giving agents the most accurate quote possible and saving them a ton of time.
Why does it take so long?

The PROVIDER FILTER looks up ALL the H-CODES for each provider entered. Some providers take a few plans and some take thousands. The time it takes to look up this information on each doctor can be short or long, but overall it sure beats doing this task manually.
When this subscriber sent in a support ticket on this issue we became concerned. We tried to replicate the event to see what was going on.
Nine providers is quite a bit and I'm not surprised it took time, but almost 24 mins?
We could not replicate it as it took way less time than that.
We are not disputing that this happened at all, but we could not repeat it.
One thing we noticed is that if you have a bunch of tabs opened on your web browser, it can effect the return of data. The browser is holding all the saved data in all the open tabs. It fills the cache and slows their computer down for the end user. The computer is working twice as hard and it will slow down the data return on the users end.
If you are using an older computer or tablet this can be an issue so maybe check to make sure you have closed out of tabs to give your computer the ability to handle the data load request.
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