Security in Annuities?

I have to say I never saw this coming. A company with a trillion dollars in assets being taken down over $85 billion dollars. They've had over $100 billion in revenues in each of the last 3 years. This is not an insolvent company. I think this is a prime case of where the parts are worth more than the whole and they should sell off (or spin off) the parts. Piss poor management for sure. Can't imagine there not being investor lawsuits coming.

I think "investor lawsuits" are beyond the capability of Pre-Paid Legal. :D
I have to say I never saw this coming. A company with a trillion dollars in assets being taken down over $85 billion dollars. They've had over $100 billion in revenues in each of the last 3 years. This is not an insolvent company. I think this is a prime case of where the parts are worth more than the whole and they should sell off (or spin off) the parts. Piss poor management for sure. Can't imagine there not being investor lawsuits coming.

If I remember my series 6 study correctly

Assets = liabilities + net worth

Huge assets may mean huge liabilities.
You should check their financial ratings. By doing so, you will know how 'strong' the company is and how far they are from shutting down or from bankruptcy. Annuities and investments in general are risks themselves. Putting them in the most stable companies is the best thing you can do to make sure that you will get what you are paying for.

Really you needed to resurrect a thread that's been dead for 6+ years.
Did he fizz out. Last I talked to him he went to Mass Mutual.

Idk. I never spoke to him off forum. I just remember a farewell post about the economy tanking and the dollar crash coming (or something like that). I was never sure if he was serious or not, but I dont think he ever posted again after that.


Correction, he started a thread about it... Titled "Its been fun"

trying to help some people protect their financial future to the best of my ability and making some living in the process.

I'd like to express my most sincere gratitude to all who have helped me through this forum - you know who you are and I truly thank you.

I'm done with this business (and with any business for that matter) for the simple reason that I'm personally convinced that there won't be any financial future to protect. I believe the global financial bankruptcy will arrive sooner than I had previously expected. I believe the future will require a global monetary reform and all the currency that is presently in use will become worthless. Buying metals only makes sense in an operative economy so that won't help any (in my most humble opinion).

I'm very aware how crazy all this sounds but I just can't go on living against my own convictions. I'm taking up a religious life (without abandoning my family) because God and His Christ are the only thing that I can trust at this point. Again I know how wacky this will sound to most of you but I really am completely sane (maybe too sane). This will be my last post. Thanks again everyone for the great learning and entertainment. May God truly bless you and your loved ones.
Idk. I never spoke to him off forum. I just remember a farewell post about the economy tanking and the dollar crash coming (or something like that). I was never sure if he was serious or not, but I dont think he ever posted again after that. ---------- Correction, he started a thread about it... Titled "Its been fun"

Wow. Don't think I want him as a motivational speaker anytime soon.
That could have been a suicide note left by one of the guys who jumped from a high window in 1929.

Or he might have just been off a few years in what he was predicting.