Seeking FMO or MGA -


New Member
Hello All,

Looking for FMO or MGA who handles medicare products for Washington state. Preferably one who handles mutiple lines - life,health, P&C but that's not a must.

I'm an experienced agent.

No need for leads, just a top notch upline.

Seek upline who allows the independent to move on if they so choose for any reason, and keep their AOR and commissions.

Does this exist?

Thank you kindly
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You're not likely to find one that handles P&C and anything else except for maybe a few life products.

If you want Medicare products you should talk to Frank Stastny, he'll give you a great contract levels.

For FE you should talk to Todd King (Final Expense Contracts | Life Insurance Agent Contract).

On health and P&C you'll likely want different shops. You might also want to consider narrowing yourself down to a few product lines.
Thanks for the reply Josh. How do I contact Frank?

It's not so much the contract commission level, though that's something I pay attention to as well, as the issue with FMO/MGA's who refuse to release agents who owe them absolutely nothing.

Call me crazy but it seems wrong that producers who spend their time and money bringing the business on the books, with no help from the FMO/MGA in any respect, (I'm experienced and find my own business) are"owned" by that FMO/MGA.:nah:

Thank you for the contact information.

I don't have any option, so I'm told, about the MGA for medicare products. Three of the companies wouldn't direct appoint me in my state with the exception of one out of the four.

3 different MGA's for 3 of the companies I'm with and all have some sort of clause to keep me on board for time specific except the one direct.

The reason I'm complaining is this; the MGA's are all nice until they get you to sign then they cop an attitude if you ask to move because they have you by the jugular with these lock in contracts from the companies.

If you have a lock in clause and ever want to leave, and they say no, as one of mine has, you will very quickly find out how unhappy that will make you. And all they are doing is collecting a check for my business that they had absolutely no hand, or work in bringing on the books.
The contracts say we are independent contractors but try to move that contract and you will quickly find out your not independent at all from the legal standpoint, only the financial expenses standpoint.

But *you do spend your own* time and money to bring the business on the books, and to stay in business with all the associated costs of running your own business. And the *customers buy from you*, not the MGA nor the company.

The customers would like to think they will have you as their representative. I have many that stay becasue they know they can call me anytime, the person they personally chose to do business with.
No one pays anything for me, I pay it all. So that's my rant. ;)

I have to wait a few months of no sales for that carrier before I can move, and I will wait. There are a lot of providers for medicare products out there in my area, so the bottom line is it hurts the company who puts these lock in contracts in place through their MGA's.

So I'm not spending a lot of time complaining about it, I'm spending time looking for one who doesn't seem to believe they own me and my book of business even though they have not spent a dime on getting the business on board. None of them have to babysit me either, so that's not an excuse.

If anyone else here found a up-line for medicare products that doesn't do that ...please let me know. Feel free to send me a private email with their contact information.

Many thanks.
Thank you for the input and referral. I tried to write to the person who sent me the PM but the system woudln't allow a response to you since I have less than 20 posts.

Unfortunately, our dear friend, Frank Stastny, has passed away a couple of days ago.

You can give me a call for the Med Supps as well as the FE/Life though.