I agree totally.

I've been sending a written letter to all internet leads explaining how my agency and services are different than the Health Benefit Directs of the World. I send actual product brochures to some people I've spoke to. I don't do any autoresponding stuff yet. I'm a one man show and I'm so busy working with customers I don't have time to work every lead to the bone or track things like closing ratios etc. I'm surprised anyone has time for that stuff once your book of business gets to a certain point. I have so much customer service, its not always easy to focus on new leads and new business.
call about 3 times a day for about three days.

In other words, beat them up.

Yeah, works for me. I can see how folks going online looking for information are just dying to speak to someone who comes across as desparate to make a sale at any cost.

Leads, especially internet leads, fall into one of the following groups.

Folks who really just want a rate and will go to great lengths to avoid talking to an agent, even one as old & experienced as Chumps.

Those who are foolish enough to fall for a line from the first one in the door. They are usually the ones that buy discount cards and Saver plans.

Then there are folks who will totally waste your time, picking your brain for information, then promptly apply online direct with a carrier because they think they can get a better deal by cutting out the agent.

Finally, there are people who just want someone to help them find the right plan & make a decision. These are the only ones I need to be talking to. The rest of the folks will end up buying from some schlock that pitches them a cheap plan and slams them in under 10 minutes.
so you call a lead 4 times in one many leads do you work in one day....most of the time I talk to my lead for 45min's....and honestly after that I can not see much to call them back about in the same day......

.....and the ones who talk to the most people the most often number of times are the ones that make the Big Bucks!
I have found that the best method is to call them as soon as you get the lead, then a couple of more times that day. You should call about 3 times a day for about three days.
"even one as old & experienced as Chumps"

Ya know....I guess I do give the impression of being old. Like someone in their 60's or so.

Well...just to clear the record, I am very immature, juvenile and not yet 50! Here's my untouched pic, taken before one of my son's baseball games I was coaching.

Click on the link or you'll develop some wrinkles in areas that you would prefer not to talk about!!!

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