Sen. McCain's Health plan critics

Well, when you think about it, it would be great for us agents to be able to sell to the big companies, right? Most of us can't compete very effectively once we're talking 250 lives and up.

There was a comment I saw the other day about Pacificare/United Health not wanting to deal with individual agents, they only wanted to go after the 1,000+ lives corporate plans.

At least this way we can stick it to the big guys!!!
I think his plan has some merrit to it.

Give bigger tax breaks for people to carry indiviudal and group health insurance.

Of the uninsured in the country 1/3 of them are 18-35 and choose to go with out. This way that group my be more apt to buy.

The only down side I see to the cuts are on the small group plans of under 20 employee. The youg people will be able to go out to market and get a better deal with the tax break.
Then the small group might have participation problems.

I was the one that posted about United Healthcare and that statement came from the VP of my state for group sales for them.