Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): "I Intend to Speak in Opposition to #Obamacare...until I Am No Longer Able to

It was entertaining watching the Rev Al Sharpton on MSNBC analyze Ted Cruz's comments. The guy (Rev Al) is going to have a nervous breakdown one of these days.
It was entertaining watching the Rev Al Sharpton on MSNBC analyze Ted Cruz's comments. The guy (Rev Al) is going to have a nervous breakdown one of these days.

yea,,,and has a ton of texan followers that are leaving messages on his fb I start pasting my health care reform link on all comments.... FB just slapped me,....hahahaha...
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dude....Teds fb page is blowing up.........


and it is 1am....and he is still going and more intelligent than obama....


the only one listening to this now is india....


man....I have to give Ted prop' is 1am and can not listen any more.........
His FB page is where I should have gone last night, tried to post a comment in an article on drudge last night and it would not let me.
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Maybe he should read the names of all the Uninsured Texans.

Green eggs and ham.....political theater at its
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If he truly felt in his heart that should be delayed, repealed of whatever, he should have gotten his facts straight before grandstanding for 22 hours. Obama and democrats lied and Cruz lied, I see no difference. In that amount of time he could have read the original version which he should have done. What a clown.

I did get into his FB page, posted a reply to someone that was polite but stating a fact, well I guess he must have had a handler that quickly deleted the post. I did not see one post (but I only skimmed over them) that was anything but complimenting him or slamming obama. So I guess his page are for only think like him. If you all over in Texas don't re elect him next term he certainly has set himself up to write a book, become a fox news contributor and land himself a 10 million dollar a year job.
If he truly felt in his heart that should be delayed, repealed of whatever, he should have gotten his facts straight before grandstanding for 22 hours. Obama and democrats lied and Cruz lied, I see no difference. In that amount of time he could have read the original version which he should have done. What a clown.

I did get into his FB page, posted a reply to someone that was polite but stating a fact, well I guess he must have had a handler that quickly deleted the post. I did not see one post (but I only skimmed over them) that was anything but complimenting him or slamming obama. So I guess his page are for only think like him. If you all over in Texas don't re elect him next term he certainly has set himself up to write a book, become a fox news contributor and land himself a 10 million dollar a year job.

This forum isn't the place for a political debate, but I think anyone should be able to see this PPACA is a complete train wreck, shipwreck, plane crash (pick your disaster), from a fiscal standpoint, an actuarial standpoint, a moral standpoint, and a constitutional standpoint. The federal government was never authorized to intrude so deeply in our lives.

All that being said, I see my job as helping the poor people out there who know nothing about this legislative piece of crap navigate through the maze of options they have as their employer insurance gets prohibitive or goes away, or their personal health insurance multiplies in premium. My opposition to Obamacare does not, in the slightest, mean I should not make a bundle helping people through it.

Then when the smoke clears -- and make no mistake, there is no way this albatross can hang on the country's neck for very long -- I'll be more than happy to help folks crawl out of the wreckage and back into "normal" health insurance. And by the way, cha-ching again as the commissions roll in.

I'm a Tennesseean but was born in Texas. I love you guys down there! Thank God for America, guns, apple pie and Texas, not necessarily in that order.

Flame away guys, I can take it. ;)
It scares me that someone will completely change their beliefs just so they don't have to go to work.