Senate Report: Illegal Immigrants Benefited from Up to $750M in ObamaCare Subsidies

Not to the same extent.

Guess we have different viewpoints. I'm of the mindset that law breakers forfeit certain privileges. Anyone here illegally is a law breaker.

You're right Sman. People here illegally are indeed law breakers. They access the medical system, but use the back-door approach. After Donald Trump makes America "great again", the country will really get flooded by those who want a piece of the pie without following proper channels.
You're right Sman. People here illegally are indeed law breakers. They access the medical system, but use the back-door approach. After Donald Trump makes America "great again", the country will really get flooded by those who want a piece of the pie without following proper channels.

We don't even need to build a wall to keep them from coming. Make it a Federal Felony for hiring someone without using the E-verify system nationally. Arizona has this as a State Law and it has them avoiding that state like the plague.
You're right Sman. People here illegally are indeed law breakers. They access the medical system, but use the back-door approach. After Donald Trump makes America "great again", the country will really get flooded by those who want a piece of the pie without following proper channels.

Ok you're right Allen. Let's just give all illegals free healthcare, food stamps, social security, free housing, etc. What's one more entitlement for those who don't pay into the system?

Your logic is they already get healthcare by visiting the ER so we might as well allow them to get subsidies and buy health insurance. First of all, if you've ever talked to a hospital administrator you'd know they end up having to eat much of those charges. Secondly, what percentage of illegals do you think go to the ER?

Why even have laws on the books if we aren't going to enforce them?
wrong assumption. IMO only the illegal children should receive medical care if the parents cannot afford to pay. adults who are here illegally should go back home to get their care or find a neighborhood witch doctor who can try to fix them up.
wrong assumption. IMO only the illegal children should receive medical care if the parents cannot afford to pay. adults who are here illegally should go back home to get their care or find a neighborhood witch doctor who can try to fix them up.

I guess my assumption is wrong then. From your prior posts it appeared you were saying because illegals use ER's we should go ahead and allow them to participate in the exchange. If that is not what you meant, then my apologies for making the wrong assumption.

And for what it's worth, it appears Trump may be looking more and more like a sure thing. At least according to this guy.

Who would have ever imagined? I think many of us have been waiting for him to implode. So far that hasn't happened.
And for what it's worth, it appears Trump may be looking more and more like a sure thing. At least according to this guy.

Trump has a 97 percent chance of beating Hillary Clinton in the general election says college professor who is 'almost certain' the Donald will be the next U.S. president | Daily Mail Online

Who would have ever imagined? I think many of us have been waiting for him to implode. So far that hasn't happened.

I think you'll be a good contributor to the Trump discussion, SMan.
I think you'll be a good contributor to the Trump discussion, SMan. Ref:

I used to participate in the politics forum here. Don't really feel like going back down that road. It's a black hole and sucks the life right out of you.

I actually voted today in our primary here in Georgia. I didn't vote for Trump. But if it comes down to a choice of Trump or Hillary/Bernie, you better believe I'm voting for Trump.