Seniors Biden Medicare Advantage..

In debate Biden said 20 copay for insulin and 200 moop for part D in 2025.Lord help us we have to choose between demented and deranged for next president.
Trump will save us from this insanity!

Desperately and badly needed. These Democrats have completely turned Medicare upside down and have been shaking it constantly. It's complete and total chaos.

They did the same thing with the Obamacare implementation, and that's been a shit-sandwhich ever since. Their goal is to destroy insurance and give people terrible coverage.

They hope most of us die, as seniors cost them a ton of money, and most people on Obamadontcare are middle-class small business owners who are independent from them and they hate that.

All they want is total control, where we have zero other options, and are funneled into their deficient bullshit programs. Just like Cuba...where the average government pension is $12.70/month.