SEO for Insurance Websites

I would never want to be #1 for article marketing.
However check article directory submission.

If you did your research you would find that truly interested internet searchers use 3 to 7 words.

In your case: Buy clay pigeon thrower or top clay pigeon thrower model XXX or purchase single clay pigeon thrower would all be higher value.

By the way, the term "annuity brokerage" (purposely short for business client attention versus consumer) has brought in over $25,000 in business net to our firm from two big annuity brokerage firms.

Three times our firm has netted over $400,000 annually FROM MY INTERNET SEO STUDIDITY.

BTW: Keyword phrases that get 400 to 900 monthly searches are prime.
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(Quote) If you did your research you would find that truly interested internet searchers use 3 to 7 words.

Annuity Brokerage, 2 words, am I missing something here?

No one said about ranking for the Head Term,(Article Marketing) its the Keyword Niches and the long searched phrases of that specific Niche, which I provided and you rank for none. Then you quote me a whole different Head "Keyword Niche" Article Directory Submission, that is another complete subject of Article Marketing, and it has 100's if not 1000's of Long tail Searches.

You really think I dont understand this? Maybe you have access to my analytics and you can honestly tell me what phrases have more value? and what terms provide more sales? Once again you are guessing. You have got to be smoking a crack pipe.

I also wonder where Do-All Traps falls into the Clay Pigeon Thrower Market in the United States, Hmmmmmm probably the Best, and the Top in clay pigeon throwers. Also it was an example, I have over 9,500 Items.

I test Keyword Phrases thru Adwords and monitor conversions, then I optimize my site and content for those "Buying Terms". No Guessing

Okay, Whatever you say. Does not matter to me. I am not the one on here peddling a service, or have a title below my name. I think my store keeps me busy enough.

Here would be my Title, but one, Who gives a ****,

13 confirmed Combat Kills

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Regarding Seo Techniques

Never attempt to capture a phrase such as life insurance or article marketing. Instead use terms that reflect people wanting to take action. So free article submission, article directory submission, and ezine articles SEO are three that I chose to use for my article directory site.

By doing basic SEO research you learn that buyers and people willing to take action often use 4 to 7 word descriptions. So if I wanted customers for clay pigeon targets I would add what I call "power words" to separate me from the pack. I would rather use "buy top clay pigeon targets" and be at the top, as this searcher is definitely interested. Likewise "clay pigeon single target sale" is going to be a hook instead of a look.

Anyone really wise to SEO marketing knows that terms with 300 to 900 monthly searches are prime. I did not want everyone on the internet, only those in that market.

Some think that SEO has a master time and expense plan. B.S. I must be lousy at SEO which provides our firm sufficient business and others I have helped.

I do not need a crack pipe, and am a darn good shot without clay pigeons. Am I sensing you not liking someone (besides yourself) trying to help members?

If your store which has nothing to do with insurance does so great, why are you here? My limited time here has made me aware of services you charge members for, so why lie?

I do not need tilted analytic programs that follow a pattern. Deep research that develops new means, results in doing things differently and more effectively.

Neither do I need to spend needless money on Adword testing. I know where I can place before I begin.
References on the internet are made by yourself. I simple tell people to Google my name, Donald Yerke.

To the hordes that refer to themselves as SEO gurus, SEO should mean Stupid, Egoist, & Obnoxious.

Hopefully Dmiller90 this does not apply to you. That is why I am not doing unfounded name calling. Do you have some kind of personality problem?

Learning is a constant changing challenge.

I let acquired action speak, as right now my desire is to make three successful insurance agencies more successful. (to me challenge and satisfaction of seeing others gain is greatly important)

Healthagent: Not trying to be rude. On the internet Google is your best reference. All my clients contact me, and after 14 years I have no desire to change that.
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That is why I am not doing unfounded name calling. Do you have some kind of personality problem?

I honestly think its you that has the personality problem.

I dont recall calling you a name, I said peddling.

My limited time here has made me aware of services you charge members for, so why lie?

You Called me a Liar didnt you? or Accused me of Lying?

I would take a serious look in the Mirror.

First glad you know what I do. I have not optimized an insurance forum members site for over a year maybe longer and dont plan on doing anymore. Glad Bob could fill you in.

Not here to argue with you
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(Quote) In this industry references are everything. Would you be willing to provide 5 references - businesses I could call that used your services?

(Quote) On the internet false references mean nothing. Action with proven guaranteed results is everything.

You had a respected Forum member and probably one of the few individuals that provides good honest training and guidance for new insurance agents all over the country ask you for references.

I would assume that he is obviously looking for this type of service to help his agents and wants to verify your success before he would expose his agents to your service or help.

I am sure he gets several questions or gets asked about services that he is aware of for Article Marketing techinques.

You blew him off
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Are you telling me how to run my business?
A customer deals with someone they have trust and confidence in.

I have told him to look at Google where he call find hundreds if not thousands of references to my actual work. All my work is guaranteed, yet I want only those with faith in my abilities.

If you KNEW ME, you would see I do helpful initial work before I receive a dime. Then we discuss a plan of action that will work.

Sorry, but I do not pressure sell. That is why I mentioned I have a tutor course. He could tutor his agents not me. I show many people how to fish, not to steal their fish.

He is welcome to contact me at any time without your permission.

Thank you.

BTW - Do I owe you anything for your advice? Or should I send you a bill for mine?

You tried to blow me off. However, that is not my practice.
I'll say it again and this is the advice I give to all agents regardless if the service charges or is free. Free services can also harm if it's the wrong information: FIVE references - people or businesses you can call that will vouch for their work.

If they do not or will not offer those reference, run - do not walk away. I landed an account today for my new business....AFTER they checked out three of my business references.

You are balking because you don't have anyone an agent here could call that will vouch for your work...and the more you try to cover it up the more exposed you are. One of the biggest flags I have for any SEO "expert" is when they claim to guarantee apparently you guarantee per your signature. You can guarantee free leads? Funny, the top SEO companies in the world would never promise results.

Ezine articles are one of 20 factors to a successful SEO campaign. Ezine also has very clear and enforced guidelines as to what they'll publish and it takes an author with great talent to write an article for Ezine that's consumer friendly but also anchors in SEO.
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I have over 300 articles published under my name on Ezine Articles. Look under insurance, then agents & marketing, then top authors. 240 or so articles are right there.

I am not claiming to be an SEO expert. I am a professional writer that uses the perfect balance of SEO techniques personally developed.

You do not understand my situation. Being in declining health I felt it is time to let a few others learn my writing techniques. Four have excelled, one is in India, one in NY, one in the Ukraine, and another in Netherlands badly injured in a German car accident.

It is just now that I am making my writing and/or tutoring services available to insurance agents. These are the same (and new) techniques that made me wealthy. I am not looking to make a horde of money. I get my satisfaction out of seeing someone get ahead better. You are welcome to email the 4 writers I tutored as to what they think (the other is still in poor shape).

I can also give you the name of a client in NC - college financial funding where one article produced over 12 number 10 top Google places. I also helped him win an expense paid trip to Hawaii for two. If you want let me know and I will give you his email. I will also email you his success booklet, and let you check in Google how he ranked.

In 28 years of working with Insurance Companies never once did I give out contact info. It never cost me any business either.

Without seeing my work, how do you judge my work as being a scam. Every day as an advisor I give advice to insurance companies and insurance marketing organizations. You imply this is an evil sign.

I never said I give free leads. I help the agency get free leads right to their website, a big difference.

I do GUARANTEE results, because I do not offer what I can not produce. No decent results, no pay, and I have never given a refund.

What is the intent of your posting? Everyone does not do business exactly the same way. If my clients come to me is that wrong?

Some of my original biggest doubters became my best clients.

It is sad that you do not believe that there are a few honest people on the internet willing to help and ask for little in return.
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