SEO for the Rest of Us

Also stay away from Insurance Agent Websales,(Sorry this is the link to this mans mind!!!) just follow the links on this site and Contact Information and find out who is really completing your work. Honestly Stay Away!!!!! These sites are as well under this webmasters control,($500.00) complete websites. He charges you extra for any changes, and the changes go thru him. Also this individual only works with clients thru email. Dont give him your money, trust me on this one.

Is this the same as Insurance Web Sale by Gary Savelli?
I ordered his book ($25) and was impressed with its thoroughness but that doesn't mean he can design a web site that will generate leads.
I used Gary for my site and have been very pleased with his work. In addition to his web design service, he has 3 levels of hosting; two of those are "managed" hosting where he will actively work on improving your site "visibility" by tweaking on a monthly basis.

I do most of the work myself, so no need to pay Gary to do the work for me. I have added to, and modified a few pages since the initial set up. About a week ago I had him activate the Wordpress blog on the server and I am gradually migrating some old Blogger posts over to the new site as well as adding new ones.

My site has a PR 3 rating and is generating good traffic already. In the last 3 weeks I have sold enough business to recapture my initial investment.

My estimate is it will take a year to get to the point where all my new business will come from the site + referrals.

You can't just hang a site, sit back and wait on business to come to you. The site must be actively managed and promoted in much the same way as you are promoting your business now.
Hey Guys / Gals,

Great Thread!

I think Blogging is the hot ticket. However; it needs to be hosted on your own domain - not the free blogger blogs. Im using wordpress software - thru my web hosts cPanel. Installs in minutes using Fantastico. There is a significant wealth of knowledge out there on this!

Domain Registration: - Go Daddy etc ... 9.00 yr
Hosting - hostgator [who I use] $9.00 a mth
Wordpress 2.71 - FREE

Ok once you have that set up - there are things called PLUGINS for the wordpress software that enhance and optimize your BLOG for a great many things. For example:

1. Optimizing your posts/titles for SEO
2. Pinging your RSS Feeds to the major feed directories
3. Web Page SEO Silio'ing
4. Getting Subscribers [prospects who subscribe to you content FEED] There's GOLD in a LIST Gents - learn to build one and nurture it.
5. Autoposting to your blog from other Feed Sydicates RSS

Challenged for ways to get fresh content?

Concerning #5 ... Im using a system where I subscribe to relevent content about my niche by some of the best authors out there on hte net. It gets "tagged" and catorgorized in central clearing house on Google via Google Reader. I review it daily. Items I want on my blog - I tag and this little system I have, autoposts excerpts with MY Personal comments in front of it via Google Reader - Share With Comments.

There's other tools/plugins that will allow you to put certain feeds on total autopilot - and INJECT your links onto certain keywords in the content. I.E. - Software highlights certain keywords in these articles and puts your links on them, on their way to getting auto posted on your blog ...

I have it setup for the software to do some of that but post it as a DRAFT pending my review and approval. I sort through the DRAFTS content on weekends in bulk - double chck relevance, tweak, add modify, and set it up to autopost at a future date. I try to do 5-10 days posts at a sitting [drip feed one or 2 a day weekdays]

I got 1/2 way into this project and had to sideline it. I also learned of some new tricks I wanted to implement. When I come back at it - I plan on a different niche blog on total autopilot - linking back to landing and sales pages. P & C specialty programs ...

Blogging can be a tremendous way to build a LIST.

Need some great giveaway reports/content that can be emailed...

Here's a thought I had. Why compete on keywords like "Health Insurance / Life Insurance / Term Life Insurance / Annuities"

What are millions of people finding themselves on? COBRA

How about a free pdf report? [Loaded with your links to your landing pages of course! ]

- COBRA - How it affects you - FREE REPORT
make a better headline or name for it of course.

You could if you wanted build a COBRA Authority site via this technology in weeks ...maybe 1 week.
I have noticed those plugins. Are they easy to install? And I mean EASY as I press a button and they're done. I'm still afraid to upgrade to Version 2.71 because I'm afraid something will go wrong.

I read about some cases where it screwed up their blog.
I have noticed those plugins. Are they easy to install? And I mean EASY as I press a button and they're done. I'm still afraid to upgrade to Version 2.71 because I'm afraid something will go wrong.

I read about some cases where it screwed up their blog.

Are you on 2.7 now? If so, call me, we'll set up a desktop share and I'll walk you through the upgrade in such a way that you won't have any problems. There is a way to do it that will utterly bork everything, but it's avoidable.
Are you on 2.7 now? If so, call me, we'll set up a desktop share and I'll walk you through the upgrade in such a way that you won't have any problems. There is a way to do it that will utterly bork everything, but it's avoidable.

Is upgrading to 2.71 any different, or specifically any more dangerous, than previous upgrades. I've haven't had a problem so far.
Is upgrading to 2.71 any different, or specifically any more dangerous, than previous upgrades. I've haven't had a problem so far.

Not if you upgrade from the dashboard. If you try to manually upgrade, you can scramble a few .php files much more easily in this release than in previous ones. No idea why. At least, that's been my experience from talking with other folks who have made the switch.

As to the voodoo, Bob, the more I drink, the more convinced I am that it helps.