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Very true. I agree with you that money is definitely not everything. SEO is fun IMO. I also like to help out friends. I also am very thankful to you and everyone else in the military for serving our great country.If you think all I do is Health Insurance sites, that is were you are wrong. Plus several on this site are my friends, and you help friends, Maybe something you dont get.
Its not always about the Money, Several on here have made 10times fold what I charged them. I didnt serve my Country for 20 years to get rich. It was actually perserving your right to run your mouth. Get it??
My point is still though that IF someone wants to make a lot of money doing SEO then USUALLY they will make more money doing SEO for their own sites rather than doing client work.
I'll refrain from listing a bunch of ad hominem attacks as you have done.
Again, thank you for proving my point when you say that your personal e commerce websites make a lot of money because you do SEO for them personally and that you enjoy helping out your friends to do SEO. I think that that is great and I do the same thing. However, it's just not refuting my original point it's proving it.
Feel free to reply to this with some more irrelevant and often false ad hominem attacks about how I'm young, I don't know what I am talking about, I run my mouth, I rip people off, I don't have any friends, I don't respect the military, I am a coward and should want to call you on the phone for some reason, etc etc.
On the other hand if you are tired of personal attacks, you could always choose to address my point that it is my personal opinion that most really good SEO's who do SEO for themselves make much more money than other SEO's who do client work (although yes, SEO's who do client work can still make very good money - and no thanks, I do not want to see your tax returns).