I think long tail refers to the data points on the right side of a graph where the data points are in reverse order of value. (In this instance keywords in reverse order of traffic generated.) It looks like a bell shaped curve graph cut in half. The data points to the right of the bell might be called a tail.
Low hanging fruit is what we really should be targeting (especially if we are puppies) as Dave implies.
Technically not all long-tail is low competition and not all long-tail will convert. However when most people in the SEO community use the phrase long-tail then mean low hanging fruit (phrases with low competition and good conversion rates).
I think long tail refers to the data points on the right side of a graph where the data points are in reverse order of value. (In this instance keywords in reverse order of traffic generated.) It looks like a bell shaped curve graph cut in half. The data points to the right of the bell might be called a tail.
Not sure what that paragraph meant, Confused me, Spare me the explanation. Way too Deep for me.

No actually the puppies are targeting the "Broad High Traffic Keywords" You just think they are the dogs. Pups run around all day licking thier nuts, and chasing fly's and accomplish nothing. (Except burning Energy and Time)
The real Dogs lay in the Shade and understand that low hanging fruit (Commercial Intent Keyword Phrases) is where you can rank fast and convert at the highest level. Less Energy (Wiser)
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